mheidebr / Electric-Car-Racing

For Electric Race Car Simulations
Apache License 2.0
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For Electric Race Car Simulations, simulating how much energy it takes to race an electric car around tracks


To use this simulation you must have python (3.X) installed on your machine Once installed simply navigate to the top level of this repo and run python3 A UI should appear and results should be plotted, there will also be command line printout for debugging purposes.

This simulation uses NREL's FASTsim as validation. First results are calculated using this simulation's calculation methods. Then a custom drive cycle is made from results of this simulation and input to FASTsim to validate results.

NREL FASTsim: link FASTsim validation: link

Default Usage

The default car used in the simulation is ./cars/fastsim_car_test.csv The default track used in the simulation is ./tracks/high_plains_track.csv

Repository Layout

This repository uses the following file structure:

Present Status?

This is a next iteration at the new App architecture with QThreads and Qt.Core SIGNALs between the main window and the Race Sim Thread. It is builds on the the last working main from Matt AND merging in the concepts from branch "one-lock-to-rule-them-all" which implements a single read/write lock in the DataStore access methods to control access to the contained data from the MainWindow and SimulationThreads.

There is a QApplication which has a custom MainWindow class for hosting application controls and displaying the graphical results. The basic architecture utilizes Qthread and Signal/Slots coordinate activities between the MainWindow and worker threads.

At startup the MainWindow is responsible for starting the worker threads. For this version there are 2 worker threads - SimulationThread & PlotRefreshThread

For this version the MainWindow user "controls" are two push buttons that say "Run/Continue" and "Pause". Pressing "Run/Continue" causes the SimulationThread to emit a signal to be emitted from the Worker thread after "Run/Continue" is pressed.

This signal from the Worker thread emits is a signal back (with a string of data, actually a digit) to the mainWindow thread that is received on a main thread slot, that updates the status text widget "Status" with the signaled data.

A second periodic signal that is emitted from the PlotRefreshThread to the MainWindow is used as a trigger for the MainWindow to generate a plot. The MainWindow in turn plots the data in DataStore from 0 to the current simulation_index.

DataStore has been updated to use a single lock for coordinating writes/reads to the data store that is shared by the SimulationThread (reader/writer) and the MainWindow (thread) which is a read-only consumer of the data. In this intermediate version of the code, we're just playing with (sharing) the data store's simulation_index value.

This version of the code is run with the command: $ python3

And it works!

Vieweing cProfile simulation results

As of 12/15 the simulation will output a file named ./results/cprofile-results/profile-simulation.out and ./results/cprofile-results/profile-visualization.out using the cProfile module. There is a profile for each high use thread in the simulation. These results can be viewed using runsnake The things that I did to get cProfile and runsnake to work for me are documented here:

To view do the following things:

Install runsnake

On Ubuntu 20.04 Install the runsnake app and associated packages as follows:

$ sudo apt install runsnakerun

Verify the installation: which runsnake should return something in your $PATH

$ which runsnake

Run runsnake

call runsnake with profile.out as an argument: runsnake profile.out

$ runsnake profile.out

That should do it!

Car Variables

NEEDS UPDATE This simulation uses variables names that are named the same as FASTsim's variables for car related variables. Reference: link We also might use the TUM simulation for variable names...

Car Variables

Description of car variables and correlation to FASTsim's variables

Abbreviations used in FASTsim

Abbreviation Meaning
cur current time step
prev previous time step
cyc drive cycle
secs seconds
mps meters per second
mph miles per hour
kw kilowatts, unit of power
kwh kilowatt-hour, unit of energy
kg kilograms, unit of mass
max maximum
min minimum
avg average
fs fuel storage (eg. gasoline/diesel tank, pressurized hydrogen tank)
fc fuel converter (eg. internal combustion engine, fuel cell)
mc electric motor/generator and controller
ess energy storage system (eg. high voltage traction battery)
chg charging of a component
dis discharging of a component
lim limit of a component
regen associated with regenerative braking
des desired value
ach achieved value
in component input
out component output
UDDS Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
val value

Table of Variables

FASTsim Variable Name Racing Sim Equivalent Descripton
dragCoef drag_coefficient Drag coefficient (aerodynamic)
fronatlAreaM2 frontal_area Frontal area of vehicle in meters square (aerodynamic)
gliderKg mass (kind of) Weight of gliding frame in kg (without other weights listed)
vehCgM - Height of center of gravity above ground in meters
driveAxleWeightFrac - Percentage of weight on the drive axle
wheelbaseM - Wheel base of car in meters
cargoKg mass (kind of) Weight of cargo in car in kg
vehoverrideKg mass (kind of) Override weight for vehicle in kg (assumed that this will override all other weights)
Fuel/Fuel Converger (not used for electric vehicles)
maxFuelStorKw - Maximum fuel storage output power in kilowatts
fuelStoresecsToPeakPwr - Seconds from 0% to 100% power output by fuel storage
fuelStorKwh - Fuel storage capacity in kilowatt hours
fuelStorKwhPerKg - Fuel storage density in watt hours per kilogram
maxFuelConvKw - Maximum output of fuel converter in kilowatts
fcEffMap - Fuel converter efficiency map (seems to override fcEffType variable
fcEffType - Fuel cell efficiency type, see file variable name FC_EFF_TYPES
fcAbsEffImpr - Fuel converter absolue efficiency impr, increases efficiency of fueled engines (, func: load_veh)
fuelConvSecsToPeakPwr - Fuel converter time from 0% to 100% power
fuelConvBaseKg - Fuel converter base mass in kilogram
fuelConvkwPerKg - Fuel converter energy power density in kilowatts per kilogram
mcPwrOutPerc - Motor controller power output percentage, used for making the array of output power in kw from 0-100% (, line 259)
largeBaselineEff - Large baseline efficiency, used to make the motor controller efficiency array (, line 256-157)
smallBaselineEff - Small baseline efficiency used to make the motor controller efficiency array (, line 256-157)
modernMax - Modern max, seems to be the maximum efficiency possilbe (, line 61,, line 246 )
maxMotorKw motor_power Maximum motor kilowatt output
motorPeakEff motor_efficiency Peak motor efficiency
motorSecsToPeakPwr - Seconds from 0% to 100% power output for motor
stopStart - Stop start function enable
mcPeKgPerKw - Motor controller specific power in kilograms per kilowatt (what is Pe?)
mcPeBaseKg - Motor controller base kg (what is Pe?)
maxEssKw - Max energy storage system output in kilowatt
essKgPerKwh - Energy storage system energy density in kilograms per kilowatt hour
essBaseKg mass (kind of) Energy storage system base mass in kg
essRoundTripEff - Energy storage system round trip efficiency in percentage
essLifeCoefA - Energy storage system life coefficient A
essLifeCoefB - Energy storage system life coefficient B
Wheels -
wheelInertiaKgM2 rotation_inertia Wheel inertia in kilogram * meters ^2
numWheels - Number of wheels
wheelRrCoef wheel_pressure (kind of) Wheel rolling coefficient
wheelRadiusM - Wheel radius in meters
wheelCoefOfFric - Wheel coefficient of friction
SOC, ESS Discharge/Charge -
minSoc - Minimum State of Charge for ESS
maxSoc - Maximum State of Charge for ESS
essDischgToFcMaxEffPerc - Maximum efficiency of ESS discharging to fuel converter
essChgToFcMaxEffPerc - Maximum efficiency of ESS charging from fuel converter
Acceleration, FC, Efficiency, Mass, Regen, etc
maxAccelBufferMph -
maxAccelBufferPercOfUseableSoc -
percHighAccBuf -
mphFcOn - speed at which the fuel converter must be on
kwDemandFcOn - power required to turn the fuel converter on
altEff - alternator efficiency
chgEff - charging efficiency
auxKw - auxiliary load in kilowatts
forceAuxOnFC - force the fuel converter on when aux load is on (boolean)
transKg mass (kind of) transmission weight in kg
transEff - transmission efficiency
compMassMultiplier - component mass multiplier, multiplies component mass by this number (, func: set_veh_mass)
essToFuelOkError - ESS to fuel ok error?
maxRegen - maximum regen (assumed in kw)
Val: MPGGE, KwhPM, 0 to 60, etc (not used, for reference)
valUddsMpgge - Udds Mpge (electric MPG)
valHwyMpgge - Highway Mpge
valCombMpgge - Combined Mpge
valUddsKwhPerMile - Udds energy consumption in KwH per mile
valHwyKwhPerMile - Highway energy consumption in KwH per mile
valCombKwhPerMile - Combined energy consumption in KwH per mile
valCdRangeMi - cd (?) range in miles, not used so doesn't really matter
valConst65MphKwhPerMile - energy consumption in KwH per mile at 65 mph
valConst60MphKwhPerMile - energy consumption in KwH per mile at 60 mph
valConst55MphKwhPerMile - energy consumption in KwH per mile at 55 mph
valConst45MphKwhPerMile - energy consumption in KwH per mile at 45 mph
valUnadjUddsKwhPerMile - unadjusted udds energy usage per mile (kwh/mile)
valUnadjHwyKwhPerMile - unadjusted highway energy usage per mile (kwh/mile)
val0To60Mph - 0-60mph time
valEssLifeMiles - life of ESS in mile
valRangeMiles - range of car in miles
valVehBaseCost - base cost of vehicle (USD)
valMsrp - MSRP of vehicle (USD)
minFcTimeOn - minimum time for the fuel converter to be on
idleFcKw - idle power of fuel converter (unclear if this is used by fc or output by fc)

Track Variables

This simulation uses track data loaded from a designated, or default, csv file in the directory /tracks.

The format of the csv file follows that of the Technical University of Munich Institute for Automotive Technology's autonomous electric car racing simulation ( There are two added variables, however, for elevation and air density.

The race trajectories in these files are created using TUM's simulation, with elevation added after the fact.

Track Variable Definitions

Header Unit Description
s_m meters Curvi-linear distance along the raceline.*
x_m meters X-coordinate of raceline point.*
y_m meters Y-coordinate of raceline point.*
psi_rad radians Heading of raceline in current point from -pi to pi radians. Zero is north (along y-axis).*
kappa_radpm radians/meter Curvature of the raceline at current point.*
vx_mps meters/second Target velocity at current point.*
ax_mps2 meters/second^2 Target acceleration at current point. Assumed to be constant.*
elev_m meters Elevation of the track at the corresponding s_m point.
*Info taken from the TUM simulation readme (

Initialization file (race_init.ini)

This file provides initial conditions for the simulation. These values do not change throughout its course.

Included variables

Variable Unit Description
air_density kg/m^3 Density of the air during the simulated race/lap.
rain boolean Whether or not it is raining during the race/lap.
snow boolean Whether or not it is snowing during the race/lap.
rain_intensity float, range 0-1 Intensity of the rain
snow_intensity float, range 0-1 Intensity of the snow
wind_direction radians, pi/2 is north Direction of the wind during the race/lap.
ambient_temp celsius Ambient temperature during the simulated race/lap.
state_of_charge amp hours remaining The state of the car battery's charge at the beginning of the race/lap.
speed m/s The speed of the car at the beginning of the race/lap.
engine_temp celsius The temperature of the engine at the beginning of the race/lap.