mhf-utils / mhf-api

MHF-API provides a scalable API for accessing and managing uncompiled mhfdat.bin data. Following clean architecture, it includes controllers, middlewares, and models for efficient handling. It integrates with New Relic for monitoring, ensuring performance, extensibility, and ease of development.
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🌐 Overview

This API project provides a robust interface for accessing and managing uncompiled mhfdat.bin data.

Designed with scalability and maintainability in mind, the API is organized following clean architecture principles. It features well-defined controllers for handling requests, middlewares for tasks such as logging and routing, models to represent data structures, and utility functions for seamless integration with tools like New Relic.

This structure ensures efficient request handling, extensibility, and ease of development while maintaining performance and monitoring capabilities.

🚀 Getting Started

✅ Prerequisites

📥 Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
go mod download
  1. Configure your environment variables for logging and monitoring.

▶️ Running the API

Don't forget to change the configuration.

To run the API, execute:

go build . && ENVIRONMENT=dev go run .

📡 API Usage

Here are some example endpoints:

🗂️ Project Structure

The project is organized as follows:

├── config/                          # 🔧 Where all configurations files are
|   |
|   ├── dev/                         # 💻 Configurations for the development environment
|   |   ├── base.json
|   |   ├── launcher.json
|   |   ├── locales.json
|   |   ├── logger.json
|   |   ├── mhfdat.json
|   |   └── newrelic.json
|   |
|   ├── prod/                        # 🏢 Configurations for the production environment
|   |   ├── base.json
|   |   ├── launcher.json
|   |   ├── locales.json
|   |   ├── logger.json
|   |   ├── mhfdat.json
|   |   └── newrelic.json
|   |
|   └── index.go                     # 🚀 Initializes configurations based on the environment
├── core/                            # 💡 Contains the core logic of the API
|   └── index.go                     # ⚙️ Core of the application (main logic)
├── server/                          # 🌐 Handles all server-related functionalities (routes, middleware)
|   |                     
|   ├── common/                      # 📦 Shared code for various parts of the server
|   |
|   ├── launcher/
|   |   |
|   |   ├── controllers/             # 🕹️ Folder for request handlers and business logic
|   |   |   ├── check.go
|   |   |   └── files.go
|   |   |
|   |   ├── middlewares/             # 🔗 Contains middleware functions (logging, routing, etc.)
|   |   |   ├── check.go
|   |   |   └── files.go
|   |   |
|   |   ├── views/                   # 🪟 Contains middleware functions (logging, routing, etc.)
|   |   |   └── files.go
|   |   |
|   |   └── index.go                 # 🌳 Expose routes and router
|   |
|   ├── mhfdat/
|   |   |
|   |   ├── controllers/             # 🕹️ Folder for request handlers and business logic
|   |   |   ├── equipments.go
|   |   |   ├── item.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── weapon_melee.go
|   |   |   └── weapon_ranged.go
|   |   |
|   |   ├── middlewares/             # 🔗 Contains middleware functions (logging, routing, etc.)
|   |   |   ├── equipments.go
|   |   |   ├── item.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── weapon_melee.go
|   |   |   └── weapon_ranged.go
|   |   |
|   |   ├── models/                  # 📚 Contains middleware functions (logging, routing, etc.)
|   |   |   ├── equipments.go
|   |   |   ├── item.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── quest.go
|   |   |   ├── weapon_melee.go
|   |   |   └── weapon_ranged.go
|   |   |
|   |   ├── shared/                  # 🗂️ Contains middleware functions (logging, routing, etc.)
|   |   |   └── index.go
|   |   |
|   |   └── index.go                 # 🌳 Expose routes and router
|   |
|   ├── index.go                     # 🚀 Initialize the server
|   ├── launcher.go                  # 📍 Generate the router
|   ├── logger.go                    # 📝
|   └── mhfdat.go                    # 📍 Generate the router
├── utils/                           # 🛠️ Folder for utility functions (logging, ASCII art, New Relic)
|   ├── ascii/                       # 🎨 Contains ASCII art template shown when the server starts
|   ├── binary/                      # 🗂️ Utility functions for handling binary files
|   ├── logger/                      # 📝 Initialization and configuration of the logging system
|   ├── newrelic/                    # 📊 Functions for New Relic integration and performance monitoring
|   └── pointers/                    # 📌 List and declaration of pointers to access data
└── main.go                          # 🚪 Main entry point of the application where everything is initialized

⚙️ Configuration Overview

The API configuration is handled through the config package. It uses viper to manage configuration files for different environments (e.g., dev, prod) and sets up key application settings, such as the server host, logging, MHF data file paths, and New Relic integration.

🗂️ Configuration Files

Within the config/ directory, there are subdirectories for each environment (e.g., dev/ and prod/)

🛠️ How the Configuration Works

When the API starts, it loads the appropriate configuration based on the environment (defined by the ENVIRONMENT variable). The configuration loader fetches the relevant JSON files, decodes them, and merges their values into the global Config struct.

Here's a breakdown of the Config struct:

type Config struct {
  Host     string     // The server host (automatically detected if not set)
  Port     string     // The port the server listens on
  Logger   Logger     // Logger configuration
  Mhfdat   Mhfdat     // MHF data file path
  NewRelic NewRelic   // New Relic settings

type Info struct {
  FilePath string     // FilePath
  Enable   bool       // To enable or disable the router linked

type Launcher struct {
  En Info             // LauncherInfo for En version
  Fr Info             // LauncherInfo for Fr version
  Jp Info             // LauncherInfo for Jp version

type Mhfdat struct {
  En Info             // MhfdatInfo for En version
  Fr Info             // MhfdatInfo for Fr version
  Jp Info             // MhfdatInfo for Jp version

type Logger struct {
  Format   string     // Logging format (e.g., JSON or text)
  FilePath string     // File path for log output

type NewRelic struct {
  License string      // New Relic license key
  AppName string      // Application name for monitoring in New Relic
  AppLogForwardingEnabled bool // Whether log forwarding is enabled

🧰 Loading Configurations

When the application starts, it uses the LoadConfig function to load configurations for the environment:

func LoadConfig(env string) (*Config, error) {
  var config Config

  config_files := []ConfigFile{
    {Name: "base"},
    {Name: "launcher"},
    {Name: "locales"},
    {Name: "logger"},
    {Name: "mhfdat"},
    {Name: "newrelic"},

  path := fmt.Sprintf("./config/%s", env)

  for _, config_file := range config_files {

    if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
      return nil, err
    if err := viper.Unmarshal(&config); err != nil {
      return nil, err

  if config.Host == "" {
    config.Host = getOutboundIP4().To4().String()
  return &config, nil

📝 Example Configurations

Example of a base.json file (for general settings):

  "host": "",
  "port": ":8080"

Example of a logger.json file:

  "format": "json",
  "filePath": "./logs/app.log"

Example of a launcher.json file:

  "Launcher": {
    "En": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/game_folder",
      "Enable": false
    "Fr": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/game_folder",
      "Enable": false
    "Jp": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/game_folder",
      "Enable": false

Example of a mhfdat.json file:

  "Mhfdat": {
    "En": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/mhfdat.bin",
      "Enable": false
    "Fr": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/mhfdat.bin",
      "Enable": false
    "Jp": {
      "FilePath": "/path/to/mhfdat.bin",
      "Enable": false

Example of a newrelic.json file:

  "license": "your-new-relic-license-key",
  "appName": "MHF-API",
  "appLogForwardingEnabled": true

⚙️ How It Works

🔑 Main Application

The entry point is in main.go, where the application initializes the logger and New Relic monitoring, and starts the server:

  1. Logger Initialization: Initializes the logger using a configuration file.
  2. New Relic Monitoring: Sets up application monitoring with New Relic.
  3. Commit Retrieval: The application retrieves the latest Git commit (short hash) to display with the server's ASCII title.
  4. Server Startup: The server is started using the Init() function from the server package, which binds the router and applies middleware.

🌐 Server Initialization

The server.Init() function handles:

🛠️ Example



This file manages item-related endpoints:


Middlewares are defined in middlewares/:

🏗️ Models

The models/item.go file defines the Item struct:

type Item struct {
    ID   int    `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`

This model is used to represent items across the API.

🛠️ Utilities

  1. ASCII Art: Displayed when the server starts.
  2. Logger: Configured with the New Relic app to log events and errors.
  3. New Relic: Used for application performance monitoring.

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the API or add new features. Contributions are always welcome!

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.