mholtkamp / retro-league

Retro League GX is a clone of Rocket League made with the Octave game engine.
MIT License
49 stars 1 forks source link

can't compile on Ubuntu 21.10 #5

Closed cobalt2727 closed 2 years ago

cobalt2727 commented 2 years ago


         /////////////////////            cobalt@cobalt-inspiron 
      ///////*767////////////////         ---------------------- 
    //////7676767676*//////////////       OS: Pop!_OS 21.10 x86_64 
   /////76767//7676767//////////////      Host: Inspiron 15-7579 
  /////767676///*76767///////////////     Kernel: 5.16.15-76051615-generic 
 ///////767676///76767.///7676*///////    Uptime: 17 hours, 4 mins 
/////////767676//76767///767676////////   Packages: 4407 (dpkg), 42 (flatpak) 
//////////76767676767////76767/////////   Shell: bash 5.1.8 
///////////76767676//////7676//////////   Resolution: 1920x1080 
////////////,7676,///////767///////////   DE: GNOME 40.5 
/////////////*7676///////76////////////   WM: Mutter 
///////////////7676////////////////////   WM Theme: Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark 
 ///////////////7676///767////////////    Theme: Flat-Remix-GTK-Blue-Dark [GTK2/3] 
  //////////////////////'////////////     Icons: Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark [GTK2/3] 
   //////.7676767676767676767,//////      Terminal: gnome-terminal 
    /////767676767676767676767/////       CPU: Intel i5-7200U (4) @ 3.100GHz 
      ///////////////////////////         GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620 
         /////////////////////            Memory: 4397MiB / 7727MiB 

error log:

cobalt@cobalt-inspiron:~/retro-league/Rocket$ make -f Makefile_Linux_Editor -j4

# ... 

/home/cobalt/retro-league/Octave/Engine/Source/Graphics/Vulkan/Pipeline.cpp: In member function ‘void Pipeline::CreatePipelineLayout()’:
/home/cobalt/retro-league/Octave/Engine/Source/Graphics/Vulkan/Pipeline.cpp:467:20: error: ‘runtime_error’ is not a member of ‘std’
  467 |         throw std::runtime_error("failed to create pipeline layout!");
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[2]: *** [/home/cobalt/retro-league/Octave/Engine/Makefile_Linux:34: Pipeline.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [/home/cobalt/retro-league/Rocket/../Octave/Engine/Makefile_Linux:163: Intermediate/Linux/EngineEditor] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile_Linux_Editor:145: MakeEngine] Error 2

I haven't taken the time to look over the file in question, but it could be an include issue:

mholtkamp commented 2 years ago

Ah, interesting. I didn't realize I was using any exceptions anymore. I just pushed a change that converts it to a Log message with an assert(), so hopefully it should compile now!

cobalt2727 commented 2 years ago

Worked out fine, though I did get this warning near the end:

linking ... RocketEditor.out
/usr/bin/ld: /home/cobalt/retro-league/Rocket/../Octave/Engine/Build/Linux/libEngineEditor.a(loslib.o): in function `os_tmpname':
/home/cobalt/retro-league/Octave/Engine/../External/Lua/loslib.c:169: warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'

also, I forgot to install the Vulkan SDK but the script didn't seem to care: (edit - made a PR for this)

cobalt@cobalt-inspiron:~/retro-league/Octave/Engine/Shaders/GLSL$ ./ 
/bin/glslc DepthSkinned.vert -o ../bin/DepthSkinned.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Depth.vert -o ../bin/Depth.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ForwardColor.vert -o ../bin/ForwardColor.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ForwardParticle.vert -o ../bin/ForwardParticle.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ForwardSkinned.vert -o ../bin/ForwardSkinned.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Forward.vert -o ../bin/Forward.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Line.vert -o ../bin/Line.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Quad.vert -o ../bin/Quad.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ScreenRect.vert -o ../bin/ScreenRect.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ShadowSkinned.vert -o ../bin/ShadowSkinned.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Shadow.vert -o ../bin/Shadow.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Text.vert -o ../bin/Text.vert
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ColorGeometry.frag -o ../bin/ColorGeometry.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Forward.frag -o ../bin/Forward.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc ForwardShadow.frag -o ../bin/ForwardShadow.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc HitCheck.frag -o ../bin/HitCheck.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Line.frag -o ../bin/Line.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc NullPostProcess.frag -o ../bin/NullPostProcess.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Quad.frag -o ../bin/Quad.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc SelectedGeometry.frag -o ../bin/SelectedGeometry.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Shadow.frag -o ../bin/Shadow.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Text.frag -o ../bin/Text.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
/bin/glslc Tonemap.frag -o ../bin/Tonemap.frag
./ line 8: /bin/glslc: No such file or directory
Compile Successful
mholtkamp commented 2 years ago

Oh yea... I noticed that warning too. It looks like it's within the Lua code somewhere. Probably fine for now. And thanks for adding the glslc check!

cobalt2727 commented 2 years ago

Glad I could help!