mhuggins /

Sequelize middleware for your or app.
MIT License
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This package provides a simple way to integrate your Sequelize models into your or middleware stack, making your models available on the socket object itself.


Install the package as an application dependency.

npm install --save

This package does not have a direct dependency on Sequelize itself, so you will need to ensure it's included in your package dependencies. The benefit is that you can specify what version of Sequelize to work with.


Inject the middleware into your stack prior to your route handling logic and any other middleware that depends on your models.

var io = require('')();
var sequelize = require('');

io.use(sequelize('db', 'user', 'pass', { host: 'localhost' }, 'app/models'));

The the first 4 parameters behave the same as Sequelize's instantiation. It accepts the database name, optional username, optional password, and optional connection options.

The final parameter is specific to the middleware and takes one of two options:

  1. A function that accepts a Sequelize instance and DataTypes reference as arguments, e.g.:

    io.use(sequelize('db', function (db, DataTypes) {
      db.define( ... );
  2. A string representing the path to a file to be imported via sequelize.import, e.g.:

    io.use(sequelize('db', path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/models')));

    Wherein your app/models/index.js file might look something like:

    var fs = require('fs');
    var path = require('path');
    module.exports = function (db, DataTypes) {
      var files = fs.readdirSync(__dirname).map(function (file) {
        return path.join(__dirname, file);
      }).filter(function (file) {
        return file !== __filename;
      var models = {};
      files.forEach(function (file) {
        var model = db.import(file);
        models[] = model;
      Object.keys(models).forEach(function (name) {
        if ('associate' in models[name]) {
      return models;

    And every other file in the app/models folder would take on the structure:

    module.exports = function (db, DataTypes) {
      return db.defined( ... );

License is released under the MIT License.