mhulse / illy-grad

Create gradient from selected swatches in Adobe Illustrator.
8 stars 2 forks source link

Illy Grad

Create gradient from selected swatches in Adobe Illustrator.


Use the below single-line Unix bash command to quickly install this script into your Illustrator Scripts folder.

bash <(curl -sL

Alternatively, you can download [Gradient from Swatches.jsx](Gradient from Swatches.jsx) into your Illustrator Scripts folder, located in the /lllustrator CC/Presets folder in your lllustrator CC installation directory.

The script’s filename, minus the file extension, will appear in the Scripts menu.

Run the script from the scripts menu in Illustrator.



  1. Open the script
  2. Select swatches
  3. Click “Make Gradient”


Big ups goes out to @moluapple for the scripting help. :octocat:

To the extent possible under law, @mhulse has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
