michael-milette / moodle-filter_filtercodes

FilterCodes filter for Moodle enables content creators to easily customize and personalize course and site content using plain text tags (no HTML). For premium support, contact us at https://www.tngconsulting.ca/contact
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FilterCodes filter plugin for Moodle

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Table of Contents

Basic Overview

FilterCodes filter for Moodle enables content creators to easily customize and personalize Moodle sites and course content using over 135 plain text tags that can be used almost anywhere in Moodle. Support may also vary depending on the theme used.

In addition, it also enables you to:

Usage of the FilterCodes tags requires no knowledge of HTML but could be important for sites wishing to comply with accessibility requirements.

IMPORTANT: This STABLE release has been tested on many Moodle sites. Although we expect everything to work, if you find a problem, please help by reporting it in the Bug Tracker.

ALPHA TAGS: There may be some tags identified as ALPHA in this documentation. These may still require some development and are not guaranteed to be implemented at all or implemented in the same way in future releases. Please let us know if you think they are useful if they work for you or what changes you might like to see.

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This plugin requires Moodle 2.7+ from https://moodle.org/ . Note that some tags may require more recent versions of Moodle.

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Download FilterCodes for Moodle

The most recent STABLE release of FilterCodes for Moodle is available from: https://moodle.org/plugins/filter_filtercodes

The most recent development release can be found at: https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes

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Install the plugin, like any other plugin, to the following folder:


See https://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_plugins for details on installing Moodle plugins.

In order for the filters to work, the plugin must be installed and activated.

To activate, go to Site Administration > Plugins > Filters > Manage filters" and set the FilterCodes plugin to "On". Make sure it is set to Apply To: Content or optionally "Content and headings" if you also want the tags to affect headings.

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IMPORTANT: This STABLE release has been tested on many Moodle sites. Although we expect everything to work, if you find a problem, please help by reporting it in the Bug Tracker.

FilterCodes are meant to be entered as regular text in the Moodle WYSIWYG editor though they will work equally well if entered in the HTML code view.

List of FilterCode tags

Creating FilterCodes Documentation


System Information

UI Elements

For use in courses

Also, see Courses section below.


Custom menu

Important note: Your theme must support filtering in the custom menu.



Contact Form templates

The following tags are replaced by Contact Form templates and therefore require that you have the Contact Form for Moodle plugin installed.

Useful for creating Custom Contact Forms and Links

Conditionally display content filters (All versions of Moodle)

Note: {ifrolename} and {ifminrolename} type tags are based on role archetypes, not role shortnames. For example, you could have a role called students but, if the archetype for the role is teacher, the role will be identified as a teacher. Roles that not based on archetypes will not work with these tags.

Logged in/out




Note: The shortname for {ifprofile shortname...} tags can be any visible custom profile fields, unless the FilterCodes ifprofilefiedonlyvisible setting is unchecked, as well as the core 'id', 'username', 'auth', 'idnumber', 'email', 'institution', 'department', 'city', 'country', 'timezone', or 'lang' core profile fields.

If the condition is not met in the particular context, the specified tag and its content will be removed.

Conditionally display content filters (For Moodle Mobile app and Web services)

HTML and "lang" tagging

The opening {langx xx} tag should include two ISO 639-1 language code abbreviation letters in lowercase associated with the language's name. French, for example, has the code fr:

{langx fr}Contenu{/langx}

The {langx fr}{/langx} filter will convert this into the following HTML

    <span lang="fr">Contenu</span>

The opening {langx xx} may also include a culture code used in countries and regions. This includes an additional dash and two uppercase letters associated with the language's region or country. French Canadian, for example, has the code fr-CA:

{langx fr-CA}Contenu{/langx}

The {langx fr-CA}{/langx} filter will convert this into the following HTML

    <span lang="fr-CA">Contenu</span>

Define your own custom global tags

You can define your own global tags, sometimes also called global blocks. This can only be configured by Moodle Administrators by going to Site Administration > Plugins > Filters > FilterCodes.

You can create up to 50 custom global tags by specifying the tag name. The tag name will automatically be prefixed by global. For example, if you define a tag called copyright, it will create a FilterCodes tag {global_copyright}.

The content which you can insert is only limited by your imagination. You can include plain text content, such as one or more words, HTML source code or even a JavaScript snippet (wrap in a script tag). You can also enter almost any content using the WYSIWYG Atto editor by checking the "Pretty HTML format" checkbox. This allows you to create formatted content, uploaded images and more. Note: It does not support PHP code.

Let's say you want to include a support email address in some of your courses. You could define a global tag called "global_email" and set it to "support@example.com". Then, wherever you want that email address to appear on your site, you just need to add the tag {global_email}. That way, when you decide to change the email address to "coursehelp@example.com", you need just change it here in the global custom tag settings.

FilterCodes in a custom menu

Here are a few examples of how to create really useful custom menus using FilterCodes. Just copy and paste the code into the Custom menu items field (Site administration > Appearance > Theme settings). Feel free to customize these for your own needs and to make more of these for other roles like Moodle Managers, Course creators, Teachers, Teacher assistants and even Students.

Multi-language support

The examples often make use of strings defined in Moodle. So, if you renamed your Dashboard to My Dashboard using the Moodle language editor, it will be reflected when the menu is displayed and change language when the user changes language in Moodle.

In cases where a string is not available as a Moodle language string, some of the examples below also demonstrate how you can make use of the excellent Multi-Language Content (v2) plugin to add support for {mlang} tags. In the examples below, English and French are used. If you only use one language, remove the {mlang} tags along with the alternate language text.

Doesn't work?

If FilterCodes doesn't work with your theme's custom menu, contact the developer/maintainer of the theme and refer them to the FAQ section of this documentation. It will provide them with an easy way for them to enable support for Moodle filters.

Alternatively, apply the Moodle core patch mentioned in https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-63219 . But remember, you will need to re-apply this after each Moodle update/upgrade. The advantage of this method is that it will add support for filters in the custom menu of most Moodle themes, not just your particular theme.

Some themes may not support horizontal menu separators. Again, contact the developer/maintainer of the theme to get them to fix this or remove the -### lines.

General menu

This will add a Home link, a listing of top-level categories, a listing of courses in which you are currently enrolled, and a Logout link, but only if you are currently logged in.

{fa fa-home} {getstring}home{/getstring}|/{ifloggedin}?redirect=0{/ifloggedin}
{fa fa-th} {mlang en}Course catalogue{mlang}{mlang fr}Répertoire des cours{mlang}
{fa fa-tachometer} {getstring}myhome{/getstring}|/my/
{fa fa-graduation-cap} {getstring}mycourses{/getstring}
{fa fa-question} {getstring}help{/getstring}|/mod/page/view.php?id=275

Admin menu

Parts of this menu will only appear for Moodle administrators, managers, course creators and teachers depending on the user's role within the current context.

For example:

{fa fa-wrench} {getstring}admin{/getstring}
-Moodle Admin Basics course|https://learn.moodle.org/course/view.php?id=23353|Learn.Moodle.org
-{getstring}user{/getstring}: {mlang en}Management{mlang}{mlang fr}Gestion{mlang}|/admin/user.php
-{getstring}user{/getstring}: {getstring:mnet}profilefields{/getstring}|/user/profile/index.php
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {mlang en}Management{mlang}{mlang fr}Gestion{mlang}|/course/management.php
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring}new{/getstring}|/course/edit.php?category={coursecategoryid}&returnto=topcat
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring}restore{/getstring}|/backup/restorefile.php?contextid={coursecontextid}
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring}backup{/getstring}|/backup/backup.php?id={courseid}
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring}participants{/getstring}|/user/index.php?id={courseid}
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring:badges}badges{/getstring}|/badges/index.php?type={courseid}
-{getstring}course{/getstring}: {getstring}reset{/getstring}|/course/reset.php?id={courseid}
-Course: Layoutit|https://www.layoutit.com/build" target="popup" onclick="window.open('https://www.layoutit.com/build','popup','width=1340,height=700'); return false;|Bootstrap Page Builder
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: System reports|/admin/category.php?category=reports
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}additionalhtml{/getstring}|/admin/settings.php?section=additionalhtml
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}frontpage{/getstring}|/admin/settings.php?section=frontpagesettings|Including site name
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}plugins{/getstring}|/admin/search.php#linkmodules
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}supportcontact{/getstring}|/admin/settings.php?section=supportcontact
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}themesettingsadvanced{/getstring}|/admin/settings.php?section=themesettingsadvanced|Including custom menus, designer mode, theme in URL
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: Boost|/admin/settings.php?section=themesettingboost
-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring}notifications{/getstring} ({getstring}admin{/getstring})|/admin/index.php

Note: Previous to Moodle 4.4, the line for Theme Settings was:

-{getstring}site{/getstring}: {getstring:admin}themesettings{/getstring}|/admin/settings.php?section=themesettings|Including custom menus, designer mode, theme in URL

Tips: If you are not using the Boost theme, customize the link in the 3rd to last line to your theme's settings page.

Even better, try out {menuadmin}. It includes all of the above and more. Best of all, it only includes menu items for features that are enabled within the context of the current page.

Developer Tools menu

If you are a developer, this little menu is worth installing FilterCodes alone.

Together with the Administration menu above, these can be a real productivity boost for developers who are tired of always digging through the Site administration block to find the options they are looking for. Tailor it to your particular projects with links to any page you use regularly.

This will display the enclosed content only if the user is logged in as an administrator and developer debugging mode is enabled. If you want it to display regardless of the state of developer debugging,change {ifdev} and {/ifdev} to {ifadmin} and {/ifadmin} respectively.

Dev tools
-Code checker|/local/codechecker
-Moodle PHPdoc check|/local/moodlecheck
-Developer docs|https://moodle.org/development|Moodle.org
-Developer forum|https://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=55|Moodle.org
-Moodle Academy for Developers|https://moodle.academy/course/index.php?categoryid=4
-Development Tutorial|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY_pcs4HdDM
-Moodle Development School|https://moodledev.moodle.school/


Even better, try out the dynamic {menudev} tag. It includes all of the above and more. Best of all, it only includes menu items for the developer tools that you have installed. Just replace everything below the words "Dev tools" and above the "{/ifdev}" line with {menudev}. The content that is generated by this tag is not user-configurable however we are open to suggestions.

Theme Switcher menu

It's true, FilterCodes includes a built-in theme switcher which can be very especially useful for Moodle developers. It allows you to switch theme from a list of installed themes while staying on the current page. At the bottom of the list, you will also find handy links to Moodle's Advanced Theme Settings (formerly known as Theme Settings) as well as the settings for the current active theme.

Add the following tag to your custom menu:


Note that this is a top level menu that will only be visible to Site Administrators, not regular users. Also, in order for this to work, you must enable theme switching in Site Administration > Appearance > Advanced Theme Settings (formerly known as Theme Settings).

Enabling FilterCodes in the Custom Menu / Primary Navigation

Note: The source code in this section was last updated in May 2024 for Moodle 4.0 and last tested for compatibility in Moodle 4.3 and 4.4.

FilterCodes can work in custom menus but, unfortunately, only if the theme supports it or you patched Moodle. If it does not work for you, contact the theme's developer and request that they add support for Moodle filters. See the instructions included below.

Note: In version 1.0.0 of FilterCodes, an experimental FilterCodes setting was created for the Clean and Boost themes but was only compatible and visible in Moodle 3.2 to 3.4. Unfortunately, things changed in Moodle 3.5 and it has since no longer been possible for FilterCodes to do this on its own without patching the Moodle core or the Moodle theme.

If you are using Moodle 3.5 or later, there are two ways to make FilterCodes work in Moodle's custom menu (also called primary menu in Moodle 4.0+):

Technique A: Patching Moodle core

The preferred method is to patch your instance of Moodle using Git. If you did not install Moodle using Git, you can still apply the changes but you will need to do so manually. FYI: The patches for Moodle 3.7 to 3.11 are identical.

Even better, encourage Moodle HQ to enable this functionality in future releases of Moodle. For more information and to vote for this functionality, see:


To patch Moodle to handle this properly for most Moodle themes, cherry-pick the following patch to your Moodle site:

Example: To apply the patch for Moodle using git (change the "M403" for other versions):

    git fetch https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle MDL-63219-M403
    git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

This is usually enough to make the filters work in the custom menu. However, we have noticed it may not work with some Moodle themes, most notably premium themes. Those themes will need to be patched using the Technique B.

Technique B: Patching your Moodle theme

If technique A does not work for you, you will need to integrate a few lines of code into your Moodle theme, or ask your theme's developer/maintainer to apply this change for you. Be sure to follow the correct instructions for your version of Moodle.

For themes based on boost (Moodle 4.0 and later)

There is no tested patch available for all 3rd party Moodle 4.0 themes. It is recommended to use Moodle core patch above which is known to work.

The follow ALPHA code is based on information available in the Boost theme for Moodle 4.x. You will also need to apply the theme patch For themes based on boost (Moodle 3.2 and later) included below.

Add this code to the core_renderer section (probably located in /theme/yourtheme/classes/navigation/output/primary.php) of your theme. Note: Your theme may even already have such a class (they often do):

    use filter_manager;

    class primary extends core\navigation\output\primary {
        * Custom menu items reside on the same level as the original nodes.
        * Fetch and convert the nodes to a standardised array.
        * @param renderer_base $output
        * @return array
        protected function get_custom_menu(renderer_base $output): array {
            global $CFG;

            // Early return if a custom menu does not exists.
            if (empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
                return [];

            $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;

            // Filter custom menu items but don't apply auto-linking filters.
            $skipfilters = array('activitynames', 'data', 'glossary', 'sectionnames', 'bookchapters', 'urltolink');
            $filteroptions = array('originalformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'noclean' => true);
            $filtermanager = filter_manager::instance();
            $context = \context_system::instance();
            $custommenuitems = $filtermanager->filter_text($custommenuitems, $context, $filteroptions, $skipfilters);

            $currentlang = current_language();
            $custommenunodes = custom_menu::convert_text_to_menu_nodes($custommenuitems, $currentlang);
            $nodes = [];
            foreach ($custommenunodes as $node) {
                $nodes[] = $node->export_for_template($output);

            return $nodes;

For themes based on boost (Moodle 3.2 to 3.11 and some 4.0+)

Note: Supported in Moodle 3.2 to 3.11. Most Moodle 4.0 themes do not require this patch but some that were ported for 4.0+ still do.

Add the following code to core_renderer section (often found in /theme/yourtheme/classes/output/core_renderer.php) of your theme. Note: Your theme may even already have such a class (they often do):

    use filter_manager;

    class core_renderer extends \theme_boost\output\core_renderer {
        * Applies Moodle filters to the custom menu and returns the custom menu if one has been set.
        * @param string $custommenuitems - custom menuitems set by theme instead of global theme settings.
        * @return string Rendered custom_menu after filters have been applied.
        public function custom_menu($custommenuitems = '') {
            global $CFG;

            if (empty($custommenuitems) && !empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
                $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;

            // Filter custom menu items without applying auto-linking filters.
            $context = \context_system::instance();
            $skipfilters = ['activitynames', 'data', 'glossary', 'sectionnames', 'bookchapters', 'urltolink'];
            $filteroptions = ['originalformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'noclean' => true];
            $filtermanager = filter_manager::instance();
            $custommenuitems = $filtermanager->filter_text($custommenuitems, $context, $filteroptions, $skipfilters);

            $custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
            return $this->render_custom_menu($custommenu);

        * We want to show the custom menus as a list of links in the footer on small screens.
        * Just return the menu object exported so we can render it differently.
        public function custom_menu_flat() {
            global $CFG;
            $custommenuitems = '';

            if (empty($custommenuitems) && !empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
                $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;

            // Filter custom menu items without applying auto-linking filters.
            $context = \context_system::instance();
            $skipfilters = ['activitynames', 'data', 'glossary', 'sectionnames', 'bookchapters', 'urltolink'];
            $filteroptions = ['originalformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'noclean' => true];
            $filtermanager = filter_manager::instance();
            $custommenuitems = $filtermanager->filter_text($custommenuitems, $context, $filteroptions, $skipfilters);

            $custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
            $langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations();
            $haslangmenu = $this->lang_menu() != '';

            if ($haslangmenu) {
                $strlang = get_string('language');
                $currentlang = current_language();
                if (isset($langs[$currentlang])) {
                    $currentlang = $langs[$currentlang];
                } else {
                    $currentlang = $strlang;
                $this->language = $custommenu->add($currentlang, new moodle_url('#'), $strlang, 10000);
                foreach ($langs as $langtype => $langname) {
                    $this->language->add($langname, new moodle_url($this->page->url, ['lang' => $langtype]), $langname);

            return $custommenu->export_for_template($this);

For themes based on the older bootstrapbase (Moodle 2.7 to 3.6)

Note: Supported in Moodle 2.7 to 3.6.

Add the following code to core_renderer section (often found in /theme/yourtheme/classes/output/core_renderer.php) of your theme. Note: Your theme may even already have such a class (they often do). The important lines are chunk of code that starts with "// Filter custom menu items..." including the 5 lines that follow it:

    class theme_themename_core_renderer extends theme_bootstrapbase_core_renderer {
         * Applies Moodle filters to the custom menu and custom user menu.
         * Copyright: 2017-2024 TNG Consulting Inc.
         * License:   GNU GPL v3+.
         * @param string $custommenuitems Current custom menu object.
         * @return Rendered custom_menu that has been filtered.
        public function custom_menu($custommenuitems = '') {
            global $CFG, $PAGE;

            // Don't apply auto-linking filters.
            $filtermanager = filter_manager::instance();
            $filteroptions = ['originalformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'noclean' => true];
            $skipfilters = ['activitynames', 'data', 'glossary', 'sectionnames', 'bookchapters', 'urltolink'];

            // Filter custom user menu.
            // Don't filter custom user menu on the theme settings page. Otherwise it ends up
            // filtering the edit field itself resulting in a loss of tags.
            if ($PAGE->pagetype != 'admin-setting-themesettings') {
                $CFG->customusermenuitems = $filtermanager->filter_text($CFG->customusermenuitems, $PAGE->context,
                        $filteroptions, $skipfilters);

            // Filter custom menu.
            if (empty($custommenuitems) && !emty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
                $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;
            $custommenuitems = $filtermanager->filter_text($custommenuitems, $PAGE->context, $filteroptions, $skipfilters);
            $custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
            return $this->render_custom_menu($custommenu);

Enabling FilterCodes in HEAD

Like the Custom menu/Primary Naviation, most themes do not support applying FilterCodes to the Within HEAD field found in Site Administration > Appearance > Additional HTML. This is unfortunate because it can very useful to conditionally include Styles or JavaScript depending on who the user is, their role, a field in their user profile, or a custom field in a course.

To enable this functionality requires a developer to integrate the following code to the core_renderer class' standard_head_html() method of your theme:

public function standard_head_html() {
    :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :
    // Backup the current value of CFG->additionalhtmlhead.
    $additionalhtmlhead = trim($CFG->additionalhtmlhead ?? '');

    if (!empty($additionalhtmlhead)) {
        // Apply Moodle filters to additional head content.
        $context = context_system::instance();
        $options = ['context' => $context, 'noclean' => true, 'trusted' => true, 'para' => false];
        $CFG->additionalhtmlhead = format_text($additionalhtmlhead, FORMAT_HTML, $options);

    // Output using the regular standard_head_html().
    $output = parent::standard_head_html();

    // Restore the original value of $CFG->additionalhtmlhead.
    $CFG->additionalhtmlhead = $additionalhtmlhead;
    :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :

A slightly different version could be applied to Moodle core code if you prefer.

Scrape'ing content

Note: This feature must be enabled in FilterCodes settings.

IMPORTANT: You cannot use this feature to scrape content from any website that requires you to be logged in to access the content. This includes your Moodle site. The {scrape} tag can only access content as a non-authenticated user, even if you are logged in.

As of version 0.4.7, you can use FileterCodes to scrape content from another web page. Your mileage may vary and depends a lot on your configuration, the website from which you are scraping content and more.

{scrape url="..." tag="..." class="..." id="..." code="..."}


{scrape url="https://example.com" tag="h1"}

When adding this tag in one of Moodle's WYSIWYG editors like Atto or TinyMCE, the tag may end up embedded in a set of HTML paragraph tags. If this happens, the content you are scraping may not result in valid HTML. To fix the problem, you will need to go into the source code view of the editor and replace the opening and closing P (paragraph) tags with div tags and then save. Alternatively, if there is nothing else in the editor, you can remove everything before and after the tag and save.

Another potential issue that could result in the message "Content is missing. Please notify the webmaster." appearing is if the editor converts the URL parameter's value into a link. If this happens, simply use the editor's Unlink tool to remove the hyperlink from inside the tag's URL parameter.


If the URL fails to produce any content (broken link for example), a message will be displayed on the page encouraging the visitor to contact the webmaster. This message can be customized through the Moodle Language editor.

If the matching tag, class and/or id cannot be found, will return all of the page content without being filtered.

Back to section / Back to course button

Help students navigate your Moodle site by implementing this handy-dandy BACK button. Works at both the section and activity level.

    <p style="float:right;"><a href="https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes/blob/master/{wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={courseid}&amp;section={sectionid}" class="btn btn-outline" style="font-size:14px;">Go Back</a></p>

If you are in a section and want to go directly back to the main course outline but scroll down to the current section, try this:

    <p style="float:right;"><a href="https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes/blob/master/{wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={courseid}#section-{sectionid}" class="btn btn-outline" style="font-size:14px;">Back to course outline</a></p>

Optional FilterCodes for Moodle settings

FilterCodes for Moodle includes the following settings. These are available on the plugin's Settings page by going to:

Site administration > Plugins > Filters > Filter Codes

Custom navigation support

Experimental: Only available in Moodle 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Enable support for FilterCode tags in Moodle custom navigation menu. Note: Is known to be compatible with Clean and Boost-based themes.

NOTE: Does not filter tags on the Moodle Theme Settings page. This is not a bug, just a limitation.

For information on enabling FilterCodes in custom menus of other versions of Moodle, see Enabling FilterCodes in the Custom Menu / Primary Navigation

Escape tags

When this option is checked, you will be able to display FilterCode tags without them being interpreted by this filter by wrapping your tag in [ brackets ]. This can be very useful when creating FilterCodes documentation for the teachers and course creators on your Moodle site.

Hide completed courses

Enable to filter out completed courses in {mycoursesmenu} tag listings. When checked, only incomplete courses and courses where completion tracking is not enabled will be displayed. Default (unchecked) is to display all courses regardless of completion status.

Scrape tag support

Enable or disable the {scrape} tag.

Show contact picture

Enable or disable the display of a contact's profile picture in {coursecontacts} tag.

Show contact's profile description

If enabled, will display the contact's profile description in {coursecontacts} tags.

Show hidden profile fields

If enabled, custom profile fields that are hidden from the user will be displayed by the {profilefield...} tag.

Contact link type

Choose the type of link for the teacher\s link in the {coursecontacts} tags. Profile, Messaging, Email address or None. Choose None if you don't want just the name without a link.

Show {categorycards} background

Enable or disable the background pattern/image for {categorycards}. You can also optionally configure the look of {categorycards} using CSS on the .fc-categorycards class.

Global custom tags

Define your own custom global tags, sometimes also called global blocks. This feature enables you to create FilterCodes tags that are prefixed by global_ . You can currently have up to 50 custom {global_...} tags.

Customizing or translating the forms generated by the {form...} tags

You can translate or customize the form tags in Moodle's language editor. Here is how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Site Administration > Language > Language Customization.
  2. Select the language you want to customize.
  3. Click the Open Language Pack for Editing button.
  4. Wait until the Continue button appears. This may take a little time. Please be patient.
  5. In the Show Strings of These Components field, scroll down and select filter_filtercodes.php.
  6. Click the Show Strings button.
  7. Scroll down to the strings called formcheckin, formcontactus, formcourserequest, formquickquestion and formsupport. This is the HTML for the tags of the same name.
  8. Edit the form as needed.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save changes to the language pack button.

For more information on editing language strings in Moodle, visit https://docs.moodle.org/en/Language_customisation.

Alternatively, you could simply insert the HTML for the form in the Atto editor. These {form...} tags are just provided to quickly create generic forms on your Moodle site.

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There are no special considerations required for updating the plugin.

The first public ALPHA version was released on 2017-07-07, BETA on 2017-11-11 and STABLE as of 2018-11-26.

For more information on releases since then, see CHANGELOG.md.

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Uninstalling the plugin by going into the following:

Home > Administration > Site Administration > Plugins > Manage plugins > FilterCodes

...and click Uninstall. You may also need to manually delete the following folder if your webserver does not have the required permissions:


Note that, once uninstalled, any tags and content normally handled by this plugin will become visible to all users.


Incorrect example:


Correct example:


Language Support

This plugin includes support for the English language.

If you need a different language that is not yet supported, please feel free to contribute using the Moodle AMOS Translation Toolkit for Moodle at


If the content replacing the tag contains language filtering tags, be sure to have FilterCodes above the language filter in the Moodle filter settings.

This plugin has not been tested for right-to-left (RTL) language support. If you want to use this plugin with an RTL language and it doesn't work as-is, feel free to prepare a pull request and submit it to the project page at:



Why are tags displayed as entered instead of being converted to expected content/data?

Here are a few things you can check:

Note: There have also been reported cases where some tags in URLs, like {wwwroot}, do not seem to work. We have found that this can sometimes happen:

More helpful information can be found in the FAQ below.


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

IMPORTANT: Although we expect everything to work, this release has not been fully tested in every situation. If you find a problem, please help by reporting it in the Bug Tracker.

Can I combine/nest conditional tags?

Yes. You can only combine (AND) them. The two, or more, tags must be all be true for the content to be displayed. For example:

{ifloggedin}{ifenrolled}You are logged in and enrolled in this course.{/ifenrolled}{/ifloggedin}

This plugin does not support {IF this OR that} type conditions at this time. Depending on your requirement, the {ifmin...} tags might help you achieve this. These tags enable you to display content to users with a minimum role level. This could be useful if you wanted to only display a message to faculty such as (teacher or above).

How can {ifactivitycompleted} work for the completion of a combination of multiple activities?

You will need to use the Pulse plugin for Moodle LMS by Stefan Scholz. It allows you to have one activity completion reflect the completed status of multiple other activities. Dave Foord has an excellent tutorial on how to use this on his YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlmLjIUFC6I . Once you have that setup, you will then be able to use FilterCodes {ifactivitycompleted} tag to do whatever you want based on the completion of the one Pulse activity.

I am using FilterCodes on a multi-language site. Some of my non-FilterCode tags are not being processed. How can I fix this?

This is a pretty common question. Simply move FilterCodes to the top of the list in Site Administration > Plugins > Filter > Filter Management. The only exception to this would be if one of your other filters were generating content that should be included in FilterCode tags. In that case, place that plugin above FilterCodes so that it processes those tags first.

How can I use this to pre-populate one or more fields in a Contact Form for Moodle?

Just put the tag in the input's value parameter. Here are a couple of examples:

    <input id="email" name="email" type="email" required="required" value="{email}">
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" required="required" value="{fullname}">

Pro Tip: You can pre-populate a field and make it non-editable for logged in users using a conditional tag:

    <input id="email" name="email" type="email" required="required" {ifloggedin}readonly{/ifloggedin} value="{email}">
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" required="required" {ifloggedin}readonly{/ifloggedin} value="{fullname}">

Why do administrators see the text of all other roles when using {ifminxxxx}Content{/ifminxxxx} tags?

This is normal as the administrator has the permission of all other roles. The {ifmin...} tags will display content if the user has a minimum of the specified role or above. For example, {ifminteacher}Content here!{/ifminteacher} will display "Content here!" whether the user is a teacher, course creator, manager or administrator even if they are not a teacher.

Is there a tag to display...?

Only the tags listed in this documentation are currently supported, though the version on GitHub is often newer than on Moodle.org. We are happy to add new functionality in future releases of FilterCodes. Please post all requests in the Bug Tracker. You will also find a link for this on the plugin's page. The subject line should start with "Feature Request: ".

When requesting a new tag, please provide:

Be sure to check back on your issue as we may have further questions for you.

If you have the skills, feel free to contribute code for new tags. These are more likely to get integrated quicker (subject to our review and approval).

Why does the {button} tag not work?

It works just fine. Here are 3 examples:

{button https://www.tngconsulting.ca}TNG Consulting Inc.{/button}

This one just creates a button called TNG Consulting Inc. that will take you to the website when clicked.

{button https://google.ca" target="_blank}Google{/button}

This one will create a button called "Google" which will open a new tab in your browser and then take you to the website.

{button {wwwroot}/my}{getstring}myhome{/getstring}{/button}

The last one will create a button called "Dashboard", using the Moodle language strings ({getstrings} is a FilterCode too). When clicked, it will take the user to your Moodle site's dashboard, regardless of where Moodle is installed (webroot or subdirectory).

The trick is to make sure that Moodle doesn't convert the URL to a link in the editor. If it does (probably blue, underlined), you will need to use the Unlink tool to turn it back into plain text. Once saved, it will appear as a button. Alternatively, disable the Convert URLs into links and images filter in Site Administration > Plugins > Filters > Manage Filters and then re-enter the {button} FilterCode.

How can I style the {coursecontacts} tag?

Here is an example that reduces the image and places the information next to it. Just add this CSS to your site:

    .fc-coursecontacts li {
        font-size: 1.3rem;
        line-height: initial;
    .fc-coursecontacts img {
        width: 40%;
        float: left;
    .fc-coursecontactroles {
        display: block;
    .fc-coursecontacts div {
        border-top: 1px solid lightgrey;
        margin-top: 5px;
        padding-top: 5px

Do you have examples/samples of how tags work in my version of FilterCodes?

Create a Page on your Moodle site, preferably in a course, so that those tags work too, and include the following code:

View page content code * First name [{firstname}]: {firstname} * Surname [{surname}]: {surname} * Last name [{lastname}]: {lastname} * Full name [{fullname}]: {fullname} * Alternate name [{alternatename}]: {alternatename} * City [{city}]: {city} * Country [{country}]: {country} * Preferred timezone [{timezone}]: {timezone} * Preferred language [{preferredlanguage}]: {preferredlanguage} * Email [{email}]: {email} * User ID [{userid}]: {userid} * User ID (encoded) [%7Buserid%7D]: %7Buserid%7D * ID Number [{idnumber}]: {idnumber} * User name [{username}]: {username} * User description [{userdescription}]: {userdescription} * User web page URL [{webpage}]: {webpage} * Scrape h1 from example.com: {scrape url="https://example.com/" tag="h1"} * User profile picture URL (small) [{userpictureurl sm}]: {userpictureurl sm} * User profile picture URL (medium) [{userpictureurl md}]: {userpictureurl md} * User profile picture URL (large) [{userpictureurl lg}]: {userpictureurl lg} * User profile picture URL (small) [{userpictureimg sm}]: {userpictureimg sm} * User profile picture URL (medium) [{userpictureimg md}]: {userpictureimg md} * User profile picture URL (large) [{userpictureimg lg}]: {userpictureimg lg} * Total number of registered users [{usercount}]: {usercount} * Total number of active users [{usersactive}]: {usersactive} * Total number of online users [{usersonline}]: {usersonline} * Total number of users [{userscountrycount}]: {userscountrycount} * Current 4-digit year [{siteyear}]: {siteyear} * Fullname of website [{sitename}]: {sitename} * Site summary [{sitesummary}]: {sitesummary} * URL of the Site Logo: [{sitelogourl}]: {sitelogourl} * You first accessed the site on [{firstaccessdate strftimedatetime}]: {firstaccessdate strftimedatetime} * You last logged in on [{lastlogin strftimedatetime}]: {lastlogin strftimedatetime} * Course or Site full name [{coursename}]: {coursename} * Course or Site description/Summary [{coursesummary}]: {coursesummary} * The description for the course "[{coursename 2}]" is [{coursesummary 2}]: The summary for the course "[{coursename 2}]" is [{coursesummary 2}] (note: this example only works if you have a course with a course id of 2 that has a summary). * [{courseimage}]: {courseimage} * [{courseimage-url}]: {courseimage-url} * Course or Site short name [{courseshortname}]: {courseshortname} * Course start date [{coursestartdate strftimedatetime}]: {coursestartdate strftimedatetime} * Course end date [{courseenddate strftimedatetime}]: {courseenddate strftimedatetime} * Course enrolment date [{enrolmentdate strftimedatetime}]: {enrolmentdate strftimedatetime} * Completion date [{coursecompletiondate strftimedatetime}]: {coursecompletiondate strftimedatetime} * You current grade in this course is [{coursegradepercent}]: {coursegradepercent} * Your grade in this course is [{coursegrade}]: Your grade in this course is {coursegrade} * (ALPHA) Course progress [{courseprogress}]: {courseprogress} * Course progress percent number [{courseprogresspercent}]: {courseprogresspercent} * (ALPHA) Course progress bar [{courseprogressbar}]: {courseprogressbar} * (ALPHA) Course cards [{coursecards}]: {coursecards} * (ALPHA) Individual course cards [{coursecard 2}]: {coursecard 2} * (ALPHA) Course cards by enrolment [{coursecardsbyenrol}]: {coursecardsbyenrol} * Team cards Our faculty team [{teamcards}]: Our faculty team
{teamcards} * (ALPHA) Category cards [{categorycards}]: {categorycards} * (ALPHA) Category 1 cards [{categorycards 1}]: Sub-categories of Miscellaneous category include {categorycards 1} * (ALPHA) Dashboard site information [{dashboard_siteinfo}]: {dashboard_siteinfo} * Total courses [{coursecount}]: {coursecount} * Institution [{institution}]: {institution} * Department [{department}]: {department} * Course ID [{courseid}]: {courseid} * Course ID (encoded) [%7Bcourseid%7D]: %7Bcourseid%7D * Course Context ID [{coursecontextid}]: {coursecontextid} * Course Context ID (encoded) [%7Bcoursecontextid%7D]: %7Bcoursecontextid%7D * Course Module ID (encoded) [%7Bcoursemoduleid%7D]: %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D (Note: Only available in a course activity) * Course Module ID (not encoded) [{coursemoduleid}]: {coursemoduleid} (Note: Only available in a course activity) * Course ID number [{courseidnumber}]: {courseidnumber} * Section ID [{sectionid}]: {sectionid} * Section ID (encoded) [%7Bsectionid%7D]: %7Bsectionid%7D * Section Name [{sectionname}]: {sectionname} * Contacts in this course [{coursecontacts}]: {coursecontacts} * Please help other members of [{mygroups}] who might be struggling: Please help other members of {mygroups} who might be struggling. * Please help other members of [{mygroupings}] who might be struggling: Please help other members of {mygroupings} who might be struggling. * Available free application disk space [{diskfreespace}]: {diskfreespace} * Available free moodledata disk space [{diskfreespacedata}]: {diskfreespacedata} * My Enrolled Courses [{mycourses}]: {mycourses} * My Enrolled Courses menu [{mycoursesmenu}]:
* My Enrolled Courses as cards [{mycoursescards}]:
{mycoursescards} * My Completed Courses [{myccourses}]: {myccourses} * Link to the request a course page (blank if not enabled) [{courserequest}]: {courserequest} * Request a course / Course request in top level menu [{courserequestmenu0}]:
* Request a course / Course request in submenu [{courserequestmenu}]:
* Label [{label info}]Criteria for completion[{/label}]: {label info}Criteria for completion{/label} * Button [{button https://moodle.org}]Go to Moodle.org{/button}]: {button https://moodle.org.org}Go to Moodle.org{/button} * 80% radial chart [{chart radial 80 Are you over 70%?}]: {chart radial 80 Are you over 70%?} * 60% pie chart [{chart pie 60 Are you over 70%?}]: {chart radial 60 Are you over 70%?} * 75% progressbar chart [{chart progressbar 75 Are you over 70%?}]: {chart progressbar 75 Are you over 70%?} * 80% progresspie chart [{chart progresspie 80 --size:100px --border:15px --color:darkblue --bgcolor:lightblue --title:Are you over 70%?}]: {chart progresspie 80 --size:100px --border:15px --color:darkblue --bgcolor:lightblue --title:Are you over 70%?} * Moodle Admin custom menu items [{menuadmin}]:
* Moodle Dev custom menu items [{menudev}]:
* Moodle Admin theme switcher [{menuthemes}]:
* Secondary menu for pre-4.x themes [{menucoursemore}]:
* Wishlist menu [{menuwishlist}]:
* Course's category ID (0 if not in a course or category list of course) [{categoryid}]: {categoryid} * Course's category name (blank if not in a course) [{categoryname}]: {categoryname} * Course's category number (blank if not in a course) [{categorynumber}]: {categorynumber} * Course's category description (blank if not in a course) [{categorydescription}]: {categorydescription} * Course categories [{categories}]: {categories} * Course categories menu [{categoriesmenu}]:
* Top level course categories [{categories0}]: {categories0} * Top level course categories menu [{categories0menu}]:
* Other course categories in this category [{categoriesx}]: {categoriesx} * Other course categories in this categories menu [{categoriesxmenu}]:
* List of custom course fields [{course_fields}]: {course_fields} * Course custom fields [{course_field_location}] (assumes you have created a custom course field called "location"): {course_field_location} * Number of participants in the course [{courseparticipantcount}]: {courseparticipantcount} * Number of all students enrolled in the course {{coursecount students}}: {coursecount students} * Number of enrolled students in the course (excluding suspended) {{coursecount students:active}}: {coursecount students:active} * The base (root) URL of your Moodle site [{wwwroot}]: {wwwroot} * Site support name [{supportname}]: {supportname} * Site support email address [{supportemail}]: {supportemail} * Site support web page [{supportpage}]: {supportpage} * Support services link [{supportservicespage}]: {supportservicespage} * WWW for Contact Form [{wwwcontactform}]: {wwwcontactform} * Page path [{pagepath}]: {pagepath} * This URL [{thisurl}]: {thisurl} * This URL encoded [{thisurl_enc}]: {thisurl_enc} * Double encode this URL (useful for whatsurl parameters) [{urlencode}][{thisurl_enc}][{/urlencode}]: {urlencode}{thisurl_enc}{/urlencode} * Mailto with Subject mailto:someone@example.com?subject=[{rawurlencode}]This is an amazing subject[{/rawurlencode}]>Mailto with Subject: mailto:someone@example.com?subject={rawurlencode}This is an amazing subject[{/rawurlencode} * Protocol [{protocol}]: {protocol} * IP Address [{ipaddress}]: {ipaddress} * Moodle session key [{sesskey}]: {sesskey} * Moodle session key [%7Bsesskey%7D]: %7Bsesskey%7D * Referer [{referer}]: {referer} * Referrer [{referrer}]: {referrer} * ReCAPTCHA [{recaptcha}]: {recaptcha} * Readonly (for form fields when logged in) [{readonly}]: {readonly} * Soft hyphen [{-}]: AHyphenWillOnlyAppearHere{-}WhenThereIsNotEnoughSpace. * Non-breaking space [{nbsp}]: This{nbsp}: Is it! (view source code to see the non-breaking space) * Horizontal rule line [{hr}]: {hr} * English [{langx en}]Content[{/langx}]: {langx en}Content{/langx} * Current language: [{multilang en}]English[{/multilang}][{multilang fr}]Français[{/multilang}]:{multilang en}English{/multilang}{multilang fr}Français{/multilang} * String with component [{getstring:filter_filtercodes}]filtername[{/getstring}]: {getstring:filter_filtercodes}filtername{/getstring} * String [{getstring}]Help[{/getstring}]: {getstring}help{/getstring} * Toggle editing menu [{toggleeditingmenu}]: {toggleeditingmenu} * Editing Toggle [{editingtoggle}]: Toggle editing * FontAwesome "fa-globe": v4.x [{fa fa-globe}] {fa fa-globe}, v5.x [{fas fa-globe}] {fas fa-globe}, v6.x [{fa-solid fa-globe}] {fa-solid fa-globe}. Must be supported by your theme. * Press the [{keyboard}]Ctrl[{/keyboard}]+[{keyboard}]r[{/keyboard}] to refresh the page: Press the {keyboard}CTRL{/keyboard} + {keyboard}r{/keyboard} to refresh the page. * Glyphicons "glyphicon-envelope": Glyphicons [{glyphicon glyphicon-envelope}] {glyphicon glyphicon-envelope}. Must be supported by your theme. * Details/summary [{details}][{summary}]This is the summary[{/summary}] followed by the details.[{/details}]: {details}{summary}This is the summary{/summary} followed by the details.{/details} * You should not see the following note [{note}]This could be a comment, todo or reminder.[{/note}]: {note}This could be a comment, todo or reminder.{/note} * Click for [{help}content{/help}]: {help}Enables you to create popup help icons and bubbles just like Moodle does.{/help} * Click for [{info}content{/info}]: {Info}Enables you to create popup info icons and bubbles just like the Help popup but with an info icon. Useful for adding extra information or hidden tips in your content.{/info} * {alert}This is an example of an alert box.{/alert} * [{highlight}]This text is highlighted in yellow.[{/highlight}]: {highlight}This text is highlighted in yellow.{/highlight} * [{marktext}]This text is highlited in a different colour[{/marktext}]: {marktext}This text is highlited in a different colour{/marktext} * [{markborder}]This text has a red border around it[{/markborder}]: {markborder}This text has a red border around it{/markborder} * This is a course description. [{showmore}]These are the details.[{/showmore}]: This is a course description. {showmore}These are the details.{/showmore} * QR Code the URL to site's home page [{qrcode}][{wwwroot}][{/qrcode}]: {qrcode}{wwwroot}{/qrcode} * Current language [{lang}]: {lang} * Display content of custom user profile field [{profile_field_learningstyle}] - assuming you have a custom user profile field with a shortname called 'learningstyle': {profile_field_learningstyle} * Display profile owner's full name on profile pages [{profilefullname}]: This is the profile of {profilefullname}. * If you are logged in as a different user [{ifloggedinas}]: {ifloggedinas}You are logged in as a different user.{/ifloggedinas} * If you are NOT logged in as a different user [{ifloggedinas}]: {ifnotloggedinas}You are logged in as yourself.{/ifnotloggedinas} * If Editing mode activated (on) [{ifeditmode}]Don't forget to turn off editing mode![{/ifeditmode}]: {ifeditmode}Don't forget to turn off editing mode!{/ifeditmode} * Welcome to our [{ifprofile country is "CA"}]Canadian[{/ifprofile}][{ifprofile country not "CA"}]international[{/ifprofile}] students. : Welcome to our {ifprofile country is "CA"}Canadian{/ifprofile}{ifprofile country not "CA"}international{/ifprofile} students. * [{ifprofile city is ""}]You must specify a city in your profile.[{/ifprofile}] : {ifprofile city is ""}You must specify a city in your profile.{/ifprofile} * [{ifprofile city not ""}]Thanks for filling out the city field in your profile.[{/ifprofile}] : {ifprofile city not ""}Thanks for filling out the city field in your profile{/ifprofile} * [{ifprofile timezone contains "99"}]You must set your local time zone field in your profile.[{/ifprofile}] : {ifprofile timezone contains "99"}You must set your local time zone field in your profile{/ifprofile} * [{ifprofile email contains "@example.com"}]We have additional courses available for example.com customers today.[{/ifprofile}] : {ifprofile email contains "@example.com"}We have additional courses available for example.com customers today.{/ifprofile} * [{ifprofile country in "CA,US,UK,AU,NZ"}]We have many courses available in English[{/ifprofile}] : {ifprofile country in "CA,US,UK,AU,NZ"}We have many courses available in English{/ifprofile} * If defined custom user profile field with a shortname called "iswoman" is not blank or zero [{ifprofile_field_iswoman}Female{/ifprofile_field_iswoman}]: {ifprofile_field_iswoman}Female{/ifprofile_field_iswoman} * If Editing mode is deactivated (off) [{ifnoteditmode}]<a href="https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes/blob/master/{wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={courseid}&sesskey={sesskey}&edit=on">Turn edit mode on<a/>[{/ifnoteditmode}]: {ifnoteditmode}Turn edit mode on{/ifnoteditmode} * If on the course enrolment page? [{ifenrolpage}]Yes[{/ifenrolpage}]: {ifenrolpage}Yes{/ifenrolpage} * If Enrolled [{ifenrolled}]You are enrolled in this course.[{/ifenrolled}]: {ifenrolled}You are enrolled in this course.{/ifenrolled} * If Not Enrolled [{ifnotenrolled}]You are not enrolled in this course.[{/ifnotenrolled}]: {ifnotenrolled}You are not enrolled in this course.{/ifnotenrolled} * If LoggedIn [{ifloggedin}]You are logged in.[{/ifloggedin}]: {ifloggedin}You are logged in.{/ifloggedin} * If LoggedOut [{ifloggedout}]You are logged-out.[{/ifloggedout}]: {ifloggedout}You are logged-out.{/ifloggedout} * If Guest [{ifguest}]You are a guest.[{/ifguest}]: {ifguest}You are a guest.{/ifguest} * If Student [{ifstudent}]You are a student who is logged in and enrolled in this course and has no other roles.[{/ifstudent}]: {ifstudent}You are a student who is logged in and enrolled in this course and has no other roles.{/ifstudent} * If Student [{ifminstudent}]You are a student who is logged in and enrolled in this course.[{/ifminstudent}]: {ifminstudent}You are a student who is logged in and enrolled in this course.{/ifminstudent} * If Non-editing Teacher [{ifassistant}]You are an assistant teacher.[{/ifassistant}]: {ifassistant}You are an assistant teacher.{/ifassistant} * If Non-editing Teacher (minimum) [{ifminassistant}]You are an assistant teacher or above.[{/ifminassistant}]: {ifminassistant}You are an assistant teacher or above.{/ifminassistant} * If Teacher [{ifteacher}You are a teacher.{/ifteacher}]: {ifteacher}You are a teacher.{/ifteacher} * If Teacher (minimum) [{ifminteacher}]You are a teacher or above.[{/ifminteacher}]: {ifminteacher}You are a teacher or above.{/ifminteacher} * If Course Creator [{ifcreator}]You are a course creator.[{/ifcreator}]: {ifcreator}You are a course creator.{/ifcreator} * If Course Creator (minimum) [{ifmincreator}]You are a course creator or above.[{/ifmincreator}]: {ifmincreator}You are a course creator or above.{/ifmincreator} * If Manager [{ifmanager}]You are a manager.[{/ifmanager}]: {ifmanager}You are a manager.{/ifmanager} * If Manager (minimum) [{ifminmanager}]You are a manager or administrator.[{/ifminmanager}]: {ifminmanager}You are a manager or administrator.{/ifminmanager} * If Site Manager (minimum) [{ifminsitemanager}]You are a site manager or administrator.[{/ifminsitemanager}]: {ifminsitemanager}You are a site manager or administrator.{/ifminsitemanager} * If Admin [{ifadmin}]You are an administrator.[{/ifadmin}]: {ifadmin}You are an administrator.{/ifadmin} * If Developer [{ifdev}]You are an administrator with debugging set to developer mode.[{/ifdev}]: {ifdev}You are an administrator with debugging set to developer mode.{/ifdev} * If user has a parent custom role [{ifcustomrole parent}]You have a parent custom role in this context[{/ifcustomrole}]: {ifcustomrole parent}You have a parent custom role in this context{/ifcustomrole}. * If user does not have a parent custom role [{ifnotcustomrole parent}]You do not have a parent custom role in this context[{/ifnotcustomrole}]: {ifnotcustomrole parent}You do not have a parent custom role in this context{/ifnotcustomrole}. * The current theme is [{iftheme boost}]Boost[{/iftheme}][{iftheme classic}]Classic[{/iftheme}]: {iftheme boost}Boost{/iftheme}{iftheme classic}Classic{/iftheme} * The current theme is [{ifnottheme boost}]NOT [{/ifnottheme}]Boost: {ifnottheme boost}NOT {/ifnottheme} Boost. * If on Home page [{ifhome}]You are on the Home Frontpage.[{/ifhome}]: {ifhome}You are on the Home Frontpage.{/ifhome} * If not on the Home page [{ifnothome}]You are NOT on the Home Frontpage.[{/ifnothome}]: {ifnothome}You are NOT on the Home Frontpage.{/ifnothome} * If on Dashboard [{ifdashboard}]You are on the Dashboard page.[{/ifdashboard}]: {ifdashboard}You are on the Dashboard page.{/ifdashboard} * If in a course [{ifincourse}]Yes[{/ifincourse}][{ifnotincourse}]No[{/ifnotincourse}]? {ifincourse}Yes{/ifincourse}{ifnotincourse}No{/ifnotincourse} * If in a section of a course [{ifinsection}]Yes[{/ifinsection}][{ifnotinsection}]No[{/ifnotinsection}]? {ifinsection}Yes{/ifinsection}{ifnotinsection}No{/ifnotinsection} * If Request a course is enabled [{ifcourserequests}]Yes[{/ifcourserequests}]? {ifcourserequests}Yes{/ifcourserequests} * Are you a member of the "moodlers" cohort [{ifincohort moodlers}]Yes[{/ifincohort}]? {ifincohort moodlers}Yes{/ifincohort} (will be blank of not a member of cohort) * [{ifhasarolename teacher}]This is a special message just for teachers.[{ifhasarolename}]: {ifhasarolename teacher}This is a special message just for teachers.{ifhasarolename} * Viewing in: [{ifmobile}]Browser[{/ifmobile}][{ifmobile}]Mobile App[{/ifmobile}]: Viewing in: {ifmobile}Browser{/ifmobile}{ifmobile}Mobile App{/ifmobile} * Is your tenant id 1? [{iftenant 1}]Yes[{/iftenant}]: {iftenant 1}Yes{/iftenant} Note: In Moodle classic, tenant id is assumed to be 1. * Is this Moodle Workplace? [{ifworkplace}]Yes[{/ifworkplace}]: {ifworkplace}Yes{/ifworkplace} * This is FilterCodes version [{filtercodes}]: {filtercodes} (It be blank if you do not have the Moodle capability to edit this tag.) * Are you a member of the ATEAM group [{ifingroup ATEAM}]Yes[{/ifingroup}][{ifnotingroup ATEAM}]No[{/ifnotingroup}] ? : {ifingroup ATEAM}Yes{/ifingroup}{ifnotingroup ATEAM}No{/ifnotingroup} Note: Only works in courses. * Are you a member of the MCU grouping [{ifingrouping MCU}]Yes[{/ifingrouping}][{ifnotingrouping MCU}]No[{/ifnotingrouping}] ? : {ifingrouping MCU}Yes{/ifingrouping}{ifnotingrouping MCU}No{/ifnotingrouping} Note: Only works in courses. * [{ifvisible}]Notice: Course visibility is set to Show.[{/ifvisible}]: {ifvisible}Notice: Course visibility is set to Show.{/ifvisible} * [{ifnotvisible}]Warning: Course visibility is set to Hide.[{/ifnotvisible}]: {ifnotvisible}Warning: Course visibility is set to Hide.{/ifnotvisible} * Are you in an activity? [{ifinactivity}]Yes[{/ifinactivity}][{ifnotinactivity}]No[{/ifnotinactivity}]: {ifinactivity}Yes{/ifinactivity}{ifnotinactivity}No{/ifnotinactivity} * [{ifactivitycompleted 2}]You have completed the activity with ID 2.[{/ifactivitycompleted}]: {ifactivitycompleted id}You have completed the activity with ID 2.{/ifactivitycompleted} (example assumes you have an activity in a course with an ID of 2) * [{ifnotactivitycompleted 2}]You have NOT completed activity with ID 2.[{/ifnotactivitycompleted}]: {ifnotactivitycompleted id}You have completed activity with ID 2.{/ifnotactivitycompleted} (example assumes you have an activity in a course with an ID of 2) * It is now [{now}]: {now} * It is now [{now backupnameformat}]: {now backupnameformat} * It is now [{now strftimedate}]: {now strftimedate} * It is now [{now strftimedatemonthabbr}]: {now strftimedatemonthabbr} * It is now [{now strftimedatefullshort}]: {now strftimedatefullshort} * It is now [{now strftimedateshort}]: {now strftimedateshort} * It is now [{now strftimedateshortmonthabbr}]: {now strftimedateshortmonthabbr} * It is now [{now strftimedatetime}]: {now strftimedatetime} * It is now [{now strftimedaydate}]: {now strftimedaydate} * It is now [{now strftimedaydatetime}]: {now strftimedaydatetime} * It is now [{now strftimedayshort}]: {now strftimedayshort} * It is now [{now strftimedaytime}]: {now strftimedaytime} * It is now [{now strftimemonthyear}]: {now strftimemonthyear} * It is now [{now strftimerecent}]: {now strftimerecent} * It is now [{now strftimerecentfull}]: {now strftimerecentfull} * It is now [{now strftimetime}]: {now strftimetime} * It is now [{now strftimetime12}]: {now strftimetime12} * It is now [{now strftimetime24}]: {now strftimetime24}

You can switch to different roles to see how each will affect the content being displayed.

When a user is logged out, the First name, Surname, Full Name, Email address and Username are empty. How can I set default values for these tags?

You can do this using the language editor built into Moodle. There is currently support for the following defaults: defaultfirstname, defaultsurname, defaultusername, defaultemail. By default, these are blank. As for the Full Name, it is made up of the first name and surname separated by a space and is therefore not settable.

I added the "{mycoursesmenu}" to my custom menu. How can I hide it if the user is not logged in?

You can use the {ifloggedin}{/ifloggedin} tags to conditionally hide it when users are not logged in. Example:

{ifloggedin}My Courses {mycoursesmenu}{/ifloggedin}

How can I add a "Logout" link in my custom menu?

Just add the following line to your custom menu (under Appearance > Theme settings)


Bonus: This is also how you would hide it for users who are not logged in.

How can I create a menu that is just for administrators or some other roles?

Building on the previous two questions, see the usage section for some examples. Share your ideas in the discussion forum.

Why is the IP Address listed as 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1?

0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 is the same as localhost and it means that your web browser is probably on the same computer as your web server. This shouldn't happen with users accessing your Moodle site from their desktop or mobile device.

Why does it show me as enrolled on the frontpage?

The Frontpage is a course in Moodle. All users are enrolled by default in this course.

I added the {recaptcha} tag in my webform. Why doesn't the reCAPTCHA show up?

First, the reCAPTCHA is only made to work with forms processed by the Contact Form for Moodle plugin. That said, it is 100% generated by Moodle API so, if you have some other purpose, it will probably work as well as long as the receiving form is made to process it.

For reCAPTCHA to work, you need to configure the site and secret keys in Moodle. For more information, log into your Moodle site as a Site Administrator and navigate to Site Administration > Authentication > Manage Authentication and configure the ReCAPTCHA site key and ReCAPTCHA secret key. You will also need to enable ReCAPTCHA in the settings of the Contact Form plugin.

If you are using older versions of Moodle before 3.1.11+, 3.2.8+, 3.3.5+, 3.4.5+ and 3.5+, that implementation of ReCAPTCHA is no longer supported by Google.

How can I get the {scrape} tag to work?

You need to enable this feature in the FilterCodes settings in Moodle.

How can I scrape content from more than one web page or more than one website?

Use multiple {scrape} tags.

How can I scrape content based on a pattern of HTML tags instead of just one HTML tag with a class or id? Example, an h1 tag inside the div class="content" tag.

That is not possible at this time. This is a very simple scraper. With some funding or contributions, this feature can be enhanced.

How can I get the {getstring} tag to work? It doesn't seem to be replaced with the correct text.

Verify that the component (plugin) name and/or the string key are correct. If a component name is not specified, it will default to "moodle". If you recently modified a language file manually in Moodle, you may need to refresh the Moodle cache.

How can I customize or translate the forms generated by the {form...} tags?

See Customizing or translating the forms generated by the {form...} tags in the Usage section.

Is there more information about the {ifprofile shortname ...} tag?

{ifprofile shortname ...} is a conditional tag that enables you to display information depending on the value of fields in a user's profile.

Here is a list of the various options you can use with it:

{ifprofile shortname is "value"}...{/ifprofile} {ifprofile shortname not "value"}...{/ifprofile} {ifprofile shortname is ""}...{/ifprofile} {ifprofile shortname not ""}...{/ifprofile} {ifprofile shortname contains "value"}...{/ifprofile} {ifprofile shortname in "value"}...{/ifprofile}


The only comparison operators currently supported are 'is', 'not', 'contains' and 'in'.

The "value" must always be enclosed in quotes. Use an empty set of quotes to compare the value to an empty field.

The shortname can be any visible custom profile fields, unless the FilterCodes ifprofilefiedonlyvisible setting is unchecked, as well as the core profile fields including:

Important: The specified value must be the value that is stored in the database, which may be different than what is displayed when you view a user profile. Here are some examples:

Reminder: When logged out (or in as guest), user profile fields do not exist. Therefore, "not" will always evaluate to true and "is", "contains" and "in" will evaluate to false.

What are the supported dateTimeFormat formats?

The date and time formats, defined in Moodle (langconfig.php)[https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/master/lang/en/langconfig.php], control how dates and times will be displayed.

The following formats are supported:

As of version 2.2.8+ of FilterCodes, you can also use (strftime)[https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php] formats.

Note: The date and/or time format can vary depending on the language pack in use. While you can customize these using the Moodle language customization tool included with Moodle, making such a change will could affect the format of dates displayed throughout your Moodle site. Pro tip: Standardize the date format used throughout your site as much as possible to minimize the chance of potentially confusing your learners.

Are there any security considerations?

There are no known security considerations at this time.

How can I get answers to other questions?

Got a burning question that is not covered here? If you can't find your answer, submit your question in the Moodle forums or open a new issue on Github at:


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If you are interested in helping, please take a look at our contributing guidelines for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Michael Milette - Author and Lead Developer

Big thank you to the following contributors. (Please let me know if I forgot to include you in the list):

Thank you also to all the people who have requested features, tested and reported bugs.

Pending Features

Some of the features we are considering for future releases include:

If you could use any of these features, or have other requirements, consider contributing or hiring us to accelerate development.

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Motivation for this plugin

The development of this plugin was motivated by our own experience in Moodle development, features requested by our clients and topics discussed in the Moodle forums. The project is sponsored and supported by TNG Consulting Inc.

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Further Information

For further information regarding the filter_filtercodes plugin, support or to report a bug, please visit the project page at:


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Copyright © 2017-2024 TNG Consulting Inc. - https://www.tngconsulting.ca/

This file is part of FilterCodes for Moodle - https://moodle.org/

FilterCodes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

FilterCodes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FilterCodes. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

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