michael-spengler / klopapier.exchange

The Klopapier Game
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Konzeptionelles #14

Open michael-spengler opened 3 years ago

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Distributed Ledger allowing for

  1. DeFi = Decentralized Finance --> DAP, DAF, DAD, DAB
  2. DePo = Decentralized Politics --> DAV, DAC, ...
  3. DeEd = Decentralized Education --> DAL, ....

Due to relatively high transaction cost before ETH2.0, we might offer the following:

  1. Tutorial BLOG (Smart Contracts erstellen etc.) --> link zu youtube videos
  2. Peer 2 Peer Fiat On-/Off Ramp - möglicherweise als ownerless DAPP via https://argoapp.live/ deployed.
  3. Betting purely as a game with high score without writing blockchain connection - only reading prices
  4. Link to central exchanges like coinbase.com, binance,....
  5. Decentralized Autonomous Funds (DAF) = Smart Contract based Investment Funds - Klopapier Exchange could offer an overview about such Smart Contract based Investment Funds

Next Steps:

At Klopapier Exchange you can keep your Crypto Assets AND buy Pizza or Toiletpaper at the same time.


michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

10.01.2021: link zu compound + aave cool + wichtig, dass wir eigene features zusätzlich anbieten.

Decentral Autonomous Fund

Deposit transaction example: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8ccd474bb2b4c0c359861d4305328ee3bab42d624d659c856bb91ecb0339c86c Code Beispiel Web3 library https://github.com/michael-spengler/compound-borrow-examples/blob/master/borrowing-based-investment-examples/borrow-dai-with-eth-collateral-swap-to-eth-and-reinvest.ts#L120

Borrowing transaction example: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x58cba2b65675fbae9a5863d613b3877f7d81b4e3bd5f101eea0a94c393a68f02 Code Beispiel Web3 library https://github.com/michael-spengler/compound-borrow-examples/blob/master/borrowing-based-investment-examples/borrow-dai-with-eth-collateral-swap-to-eth-and-reinvest.ts#L201-L210