michael-spengler / klopapier.exchange

The Klopapier Game
3 stars 2 forks source link
cryptocurrency ethereum ethereum-blockchain money


Welcome to the klopapier.exchange.

Goal of this project

The klopapier.exchange can be seen as a playful education and exploration game around browserwallets (e.g. metamask / brave.com), currencies & decentralization and web development in general.


Under construction --> we use vue to develop our client code.

If you are completely new to nodejs and vue you might try the following steps on your machine.

  1. install NodeJS
  2. install vue via the following command npm install -g @vue/cli
  3. vue create client
  4. cd client
  5. npm run serve
  6. visit http://localhost:8080/

Tipps: I use VS Code Insiders as my IDE.


Our server which connects us to the Ethereum Blockchain can be reached via the following example request: http://openforce.de/getBalance/walletAddress/0x1eB9426F329d46f5Ee2263C030d6E9661f2ca694

The code for this can be found here.

We'll use Smart Contracts deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain + NodeJS or Deno & Web3 (we need to check this open issue).

We forward request from unsafe port 80 to safe 443 using the following forwarder https://deno.land/x/http_to_https.

Links which might be helpful

  1. https://github.com/useverto/trading-post/blob/master/src/workflows/swap.ts
  2. https://docs.chain.link/docs/ethereum-addresses
  3. Video on a chainlink based Dapp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLmMNocc1ys
  4. Off-Chain data provisioning and inter-blockchain interoperability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pUR9WPIrX0

Deployment Options

We need to provide the page and the data to users. Here are some options for those topics.

Providing the Page

Option 1: Using GitHub Pages

IP Addresses:



module.exports = {
    publicPath: "./",
    outputDir: "./docs"

--> run npm run serve after this file update and visit: http://localhost:8080

details see https://blog.usmanity.com/serving-vue-js-apps-on-github-pages/

Option 2: Using Deno with Opine This option would require for a central server on which you could execute the content of [deno-opine-page-server.ts]() via:

deno run --allow-read --allow-net deno-opine-page-server.ts

Option 3: Using Vercel To be explored - compare how nest.land did it

Option 4: Using argoapp.live To be explored https://argoapp.live (alpha release)

Feedback & Contact

In case of any feedback, please raise an issue here.