michael-spengler / klopapier.exchange

The Klopapier Game
3 stars 2 forks source link

UI Development #6

Open michael-spengler opened 3 years ago

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Key Words:

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

@troykessler what do you think about: https://vue.geist-ui.dev/en-us/introduction

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

proposal for synchs... 6pm - 8pm german time

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

@troykessler proposal: if a user clicks the learn button you can just scroll down automatically to the following section:

Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 00 54 42

@troykessler proposal 2: if a user clicks the play button you can add an info like. "In our game people who work at a central bank are paid for printing Central Bank Wipepaper (CBWP) so you will first need to give them some Ether to print a bunch of CBWP for you." From then on @fabianriewe brought up an interesting potential game plan. We shall follow up on this soon.

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

This could "fly around" like a little wipepaper... clickable --> navigating to https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/html/digitaleuro-report.en.html

Screenshot 2020-12-20 at 02 55 22