michael-spengler / wwi18sea-webdevelopment

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WWI18SEA Web Development

The best way to learn web development is to do web development :)

Im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe haben die Studierenden die folgenden Projekte entwickelt:

  1. https://diseasefinder.org
  2. https://m-y-board.de
  3. https://greenlife.host
  4. https://sea-store-187.appspot.com
  5. Fagb.multiflexxx.de (temporär: https://fagb.mertens-web.de)

Es wurden 2 Abgaben bewertet (1. Frontend UI / 2. Backend inklusive Persistenz)


Teilnehmer Entwickelte Web App Note Punkte (max.80)
Tobias Jansen, Calogero Meli, Mohammad Ali Alnaser, Marleen Ilse Benner, Sinan-Justin Kühn, Jan Zecevic https://greenlife.host 1,0 80
Tristan Emig, Benno Grimm, Anton Ochel, Marcel Mertens, Anna-Lena Richert, Tizian Groß Fagb.multiflexxx.de 1,0 80
Arthur Siebert, Dennis Neumann, Tobias Bergmeier https://diseasefinder.org 1,1 79
Rouven Krinke, Kevin Krempels, Lukas Blank, Julie Pines, Soufian Elouafi https://sea-store-187.appspot.com 1,0 80
Mahmoud Almahdi, Gian Luca Beck, Tobias Lorenz, Daniel Kossak https://m-y-board.de 1,2 77

Genutzter Notenschlüssel

Check: https://www.mannheim.dhbw.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Studienangebot/Wirtschaft/__Downloads/Punkte-Noten-Skalen-FK-Wirtschaft-FakW-DHBW-MA-201203.pdf


Brainstorming Ergebnisse zu Kriterien

  1. Das Projekt funktioniert
  2. Separation of Concerns im Code
  3. Design nice and responsive -> Mobile First
  4. Ergebnis der Live-Demo
  5. Automatisierte Tests (e.g. codecept.io)
  6. Kein Überflüssiger Code
  7. Statische Code Checks
  8. Effizienter Datenaustausch (on Demand)
  9. Persona Definitionen
  10. Diagramme
  11. Authentifizierung
  12. Erreichbarkeit im Web (via https:// ist ideal)
  13. TypeScript (TypeSafety & Objektorientierung)

300 daily user für eine 1+ ;)


  1. Account on github.com
  2. Git installed
  3. Visual Studio Code installed
  4. NodeJS installed
  5. NestJS installed
  6. Angular CLI installed


  1. Course attendees are supposed to be attentive
  2. At the end of each lecture unit there is a 40 minutes Q & A and retrospect timeframe
  3. If possible web development contributions in the form of pull requests are used as a bases for grading

Communication Channel

WWI18SEA-Webdevelopment Telegram Group

The Plan as Proposals - concrete Challenges depending on domain specific interests and goals of students

The concrete challenges where students are working on can be found via the Issues Tab.

Introduction - 8 hours

  1. Introduce Angular, NestJS, TypeScript and show gitcoin-enterprise.org as an example web app
  2. Develop a Task Platform as Open Source Project using the open-force.org domain
  3. Configure peer2peer-enterprise.org to connect to open-force.org

Challenge 1

  1. Develop a Find a Buddy Platform as Open Source Project - check if sth. like faddy.org is free
  2. Optimize the Match Finding Process

Challenge 2

  1. Develop a Q & A Platform as Open Source Project - check if sth. like answers.org is free
  2. Configure peer2peer-enterprise.org to connect to the platform

Challenge 3

  1. Develop a Fact Checker Platform as Open Source Project using e.g. fake-or-fact.org
  2. Configure peer2peer-enterprise.org to connect to the platform - funding a fact check

Challenge 4

  1. Develop an E-Mail invitation based authentication mechanism --> displaying the invitations graph - e.g. using neo4j
  2. Use this mechnanism in one of the apps which emerged from the other challenges

Challenge 5

  1. Develop a web harvester - e.g. for regularly collecting all Hackathon Events on earth and publishing them on a web app
    1. Find GroupLinks
    2. Find HostLinks
    3. Find EventLinks
  2. Explore business models for the corresponding offering by creating a Business Model Canvas for the web app

Challenge 6

  1. Develop a Webshop for ...

Challenge 7

  1. Develop a "... fuel on the way" platform" - Dennis Neumann

Challenge 8

  1. Develop a "... shortest way to many customers" - Dennis Neumann

Challenge 9

  1. Install and Setup a full Monero node on Linux:
    further info e.g. https://freedomnode.com/blog/110/how-to-install-and-set-up-full-monero-node-on-linux
  2. Analyze kovri https://freedomnode.com/blog/88/kovri-the-most-anticipated-project-from-the-developers-of-monero