michael / hub

Substance Hub
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Substance Hub

We're using OSX for development, but this setup should work on Linux too. At least for the hub.


Setup Dev Environment

Clone the Substance Mothership

$ git clone https://github.com/michael/substance.git

Execute the Substance update script. It sets up the whole environment

$ cd substance
$ ./update.sh -c # performs a clean build

Navigate to the Hub Repository

$ cd hub

Setup Database Environment

Initialize your Postgres Database by executing:

$ psql postgres -p 5432 -h localhost -f postgres.init

On Ubuntu, after installing postgres the command is

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres -f postgres.init

Put this into your ~/.profile and adapt to your needs:

export SUBSTANCE_PRODUCTION_POSTGRES_CONN="postgres://substance:substance@localhost:5432/substance"
export SUBSTANCE_DEVELOPMENT_POSTGRES_CONN="postgres://substance:substance@localhost:5432/substance_development"
export SUBSTANCE_TEST_POSTGRES_CONN="postgres://substance:substance@localhost:5432/substance_test"

export SUBSTANCE_PRODUCTION_REDIS_CONF="$HOME/substance_production_redis.conf"
export SUBSTANCE_DEVELOPMENT_REDIS_CONF="$HOME/substance_development_redis.conf"
export SUBSTANCE_TEST_REDIS_CONF="$HOME/substance_test_redis.conf"

Please use the following ports for your Redis configurations:

Start the hub

./start.sh -d -s # Start in development env and apply default seed

Setup Redis

Start redis (by using the redis.conf in the repository, it uses port 6380 for the docstore)

localhost:hub michael $ redis-server redis.conf

Run the tests

  1. Start the Hub in Test Mode

    ./start.sh -t
  2. Start the Composer (composer/build/app/osx/Substance.app) and press ctrl + alt + t

    Now playing around with the test suite should be self-explanatory.