michaelachrisco / subreddit-recommender

Recommends Subreddits on Rails
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

Enhance GUI using Responsive design principles #36

Open stephengtuggy opened 8 years ago

stephengtuggy commented 8 years ago

@michaelachrisco , I have done some work on this on the front-end-work branch under my fork, stephengtuggy/subreddit-recommender. Can you take a look and see if I'm on the right track?

I began incorporating this Bootstrap theme: http://bootswatch.com/spacelab/ This should help us get something that looks nicer. I also made some other changes to app/views/sub_reddits/show.html.erb . Still a work in progress.

stephengtuggy commented 8 years ago

Copied my front-end-work branch into a branch of the same name in your repo: https://github.com/michaelachrisco/subreddit-recommender/pull/45

michaelachrisco commented 8 years ago

@stephengtuggy Awesome Ill take a look tonight.

michaelachrisco commented 8 years ago

Looks good. I took a look at the index page and show page and they look a ton better. If you send it to PR ill merge it :beer: