michaelachrisco / subreddit-recommender

Recommends Subreddits on Rails
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link
ai analysis recommendation-system recommends-subreddits reddit vagrant

(Alpha) SubReddit Recommender

This application is a relation engine based on SubReddit posts. Its used as a starting point for other applications to consume its relation data.


Rake tasks

rake subreddits:seed                     # Seeds SubReddits
rake subreddits:relate                   # Relates SubReddits via Simularity
rake subreddits:relate_tfidf             # Relates SubReddits via TFIDF


You can use Vagrant to spin up a virtual machine to run subreddit-recommender. To do this, simply:

vagrant up

This will automatically set up a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 15.10 Server, with all the prerequisites for subreddit-recommender installed, and then clone subreddit-recommender into the /home/vagrant/repos/git/michaelachrisco/subreddit-recommender/ directory on the VM. You can run it from there.