michaelbourne / Custom-Icons-for-Elementor

Add custom Fontello.com icons to Elementor
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Custom Icons for Elementor

Enables the user to add their own custom icons to the built in Elementor icon controls and elements, thereby removing the reliance on FontAwesome and providing a better opportunity for branding with custom icon sets on your websites. Works exclusively through the use of Fontello's free icon font service.


Please note, this plugin requires the Elementor Page Builder to be installed and active. Elementor is a free plugin.

This plugin relies on a third party service for it's functionality provided by Fontello. No private information is sent to their server, rather their provided webfont downloads are what's used to add fonts to this plugin.

Looking for a video tutorial? Here it is!

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with this plugin?

You can add your own icons from Fontello to Elementor (free and pro). From exisiting icon fonts to totally custom SVG icons, no more messing around with CSS or image elements. It's now all baked in.

Can I upload more than one Fontello package to a single site?

You bet! Upload as many as you like, they will all work. However, make sure you give each font a unique name (text box beside the Fontello download button).

How do I remove Font Awesome icons from the default icon selectors, so that only my custom icons are available?

Add this to your functions.php file in a child theme:

add_filter('eci_drop_fa', '__return_true');

HELP! It doesnt work?!

There is a small, small chance this plugin may not work on your web host. This is caused by two things generally: a mod_security rule flagging the ZIP upload, or the lack of PHP libraries needed to unzip files (ZipArchive). Here's the good news: your host can fix both of these easily. If they refuse, consider moving to a more modern host.











