michaelbrownuc / GadgetSetAnalyzer

A security-oriented static binary analysis tool for comparing the quantity and quality of code reuse gadget sets in program variants.
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A security-oriented static binary analysis tool for comparing the quantity, quality, and locality of code reuse gadget sets in program variants.

If you use this tool in your research, please cite the following paper:

Brown, Michael D., and Santosh Pande. "Is less really more? towards better metrics for measuring security improvements realized through software debloating." In 12th {USENIX} Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test ({CSET} 19). 2019.[pdf]

GSA has been updated to include new metrics since the publication of this paper. The expanded version of the paper that includes expanded metrics is available here:

Brown, Michael D., and Santosh Pande. "Is Less Really More? Why Reducing Code Reuse Gadget Counts via Software Debloating Doesn’t Necessarily Indicate Improved Security" arXiv:1902.10880v3 [cs.CR]. 2019.[pdf]


GSA is an automated tool for gathering security-oriented data on the effects of software transformation. It takes as input an original software package binary that has not been transformed, and at least one transformed variant of that package. It produces as output the following data files:

  1. Functional Gadget Set Expressivity Change: The change in gadget set expressivity (ROP) between the original package and each variant.
  2. Gadget Count Reduction: The change in overall gadget count between the original package and each variant.
  3. Gadget Introduction: The rate at which new gadgets are introduced by software transformation.
  4. Special Purpose Gadget Count Reduction: Same as 2, but for special purpose gadgets.
  5. Special Purpose Gadget Introduction: Same as 3, but for special purpose gadgets.
  6. Gadget Locality: The percentage of gadgets in a variant set that are also in present in the original set and also at the same offset.
  7. Functional Gadget Set Quality Change: The change in quality (as measured by ease of use and the absence of side constraints) of the gadget set between the original package and each variant.
  8. Likely Gadget Locations: For each special purpose gadget in each variant binary, the most likely function name in source where the gadget was introduced.
  9. Gadget Comparison data in LaTeX table format.


The static analyzer is dependent upon the following third party packages:

  1. ROPgadget - for collecting gadget based information from binaries.
  2. angr - for finding source code functions associated with introduced gadgets.
  3. numpy - for calculating some final statistics


To install GSA:

  1. Install ROPgadget (https://github.com/JonathanSalwan/ROPgadget)
  2. Install angr (https://docs.angr.io/introductory-errata/install)
  3. Install numpy: pip install numpy
  4. Clone this repo


GSA has the following optional inputs:

  1. Output Metrics (--output_metrics): Indicates that GSA should produce output files 1-5 and 7.
  2. Output Addresses (--output_addresses): Indicates that GSA should produce output file 8. Ignored if --output_metrics is not set or if a directory is specified. Takes extra time to use angr.
  3. Result Folder Name (--result_folder_name ): Indicates that GSA should place results for the run in results/
  4. Original Name (--original_name ): Indicates that GSA should use a specific in the output for the original binary.
  5. Output Console (--output_console): Indicates that GSA should output gadget set and comparison data to the console.
  6. Output Tables (--output_tables): Indicates that GSA should produce output file 9. Ignored if --output_metrics is not set.
  7. Output Gadget Locality (--output_locality): Indicates that GSA should produce output file 6. Ignored if --output_metrics is not set. Takes extra time.
  8. Output Simplified Metrics (--output_simple): Indicates that GSA should produce a simplified version of outputs useful for determining security improvements. Ignored if --output_metrics is not set.

The analyzer has 2 required inputs:

  1. Original Binary: Filepath to the original binary or directory of one or more binaries.
  2. Variant Labels / Binaries: A sequence of variant labels and paths in the format --variants label1=path1 label2=path2

    Note that if a directory is specified, GSA will attempt to create a gadget set for analysis from all binaries in the folder, allowing for gadget set analysis that includes libraries.

Example invocation:

python3 GSA.py --output_metrics --output_addresses ../samples/CHISEL/date/date-8.21.origin --variants Aggressive="../samples/CHISEL/date/date-8.21.reduced"