michaeled / FormsPopup

Xamarin.Forms Popup View
MIT License
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Setting Top/Left/Right/BottomBorderColor doesnt function #4

Closed robmpreston closed 8 years ago

robmpreston commented 8 years ago

Doesnt seem to be working, set all 4 to black, no borders anywhere.

robmpreston commented 8 years ago

Also noticed that when I put the header inside of a Grid, it seems to be messing up the content in the Body. i tried using a stacklayout and a grid in the body after using a grid in the header and the content is off or not displaying.

michaeled commented 8 years ago

I was able to reproduce those. I'll get a fix out this evening.

michaeled commented 8 years ago

It's been resolved. You'll need to set each individual border color, even if they're all the same.

I added ComplexLayoutExample.xaml that has what I thought would reproduce your issue. If you still have it, let me know. I'd like you to post the code.

robmpreston commented 8 years ago

Cool ill check it out tonight

robmpreston commented 8 years ago

Working great now man, thanks for the quick fixes.