michaeled / FormsPopup

Xamarin.Forms Popup View
MIT License
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Xamarin.Forms Popup View

This repository houses an example of using the Xamarin.Forms API to create a popup view. I chose not to use any platform APIs (Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS) while implementing the view, as I wished to experiment with the framework. That said, it's still a fairly featureful implementation.


A short note

This project has a few documented issues. They are mostly related to iOS9.


The current implementation requires either one of two conditions be met before you can use a popup view within a Page:

  1. The visible page must extend from the PopupPage class.
  2. Any visible page that does not extend from PopupPage must instantiate an object of type PopupPageInitializer after the page's content has been set. This is easier than it seems:


public class CodedSimpleExample : ContentPage
    public CodedSimpleExample()
        var popup = new Popup
            XPositionRequest = 0.5,
            YPositionRequest = 0.2,
            ContentHeightRequest = 0.1,
            ContentWidthRequest = 0.4,
            Padding = 10,

            Body = new ContentView
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                Content = new Label
                    XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                    YAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
                    TextColor = Color.Black,
                    Text = "Hello, World!"

        var button = new Button {Text = "Show Popup"};
        button.Clicked += (s, e) => popup.Show();

        Content = new StackLayout
            Children = 

        // Required for the popup to work. It must come after the Content has been set.
        new PopupPageInitializer(this) {popup};

Two examples have been added to the FormsPopup.Examples project to demonstrate this point. Reference either CodedPopupExample.cs or XamlPopupExample.xaml/XamlPopupExample.cs.

Sizing and Placement

The current implementation relies heavily on proportional sizes. For any Popup properties that require a location or size, you should pass in a value between 0 and 1.


var popup = new Popup
    XPositionRequest = 0.5,
    YPositionRequest = 0.5,
    ContentWidthRequest = 0.8,
    ContentHeightRequest = 0.8


The following events are invoked during various moments in a popup's life cycle. They're availble to all Popup views.

The Tapped, Showing, and Hiding events can be cancelled by using the event argument property:


private void Popup1_Showing(object sender, PopupShowingEventArgs e)
    if (_preventShowing.On)
        e.Cancel = true;


The Popup.ShowAsync() and Popup.HideAsync() methods can be used to add animations. If you do not wish to include animations, you can use either Popup.Show() or Popup.Hide().


double original;

await popup.ShowAsync(async p =>
    original = p.Scale;

    await Task.WhenAll
         *  Since p is the Popup object, scaling it would also affect the overlay
         *  behind the popup's body. Although it wouldn't be noticeable in this simple example,
         *  it would be if the overlay's color was set.

        p.SectionContainer.RelScaleTo(0.05, 100, Easing.CubicOut),
        p.SectionContainer.RelScaleTo(-0.05, 105, Easing.CubicOut)
    ).ContinueWith(c =>
    {   // reset popup to original size
        p.SectionContainer.Scale = original;


At this moment, there are no default styles for the popup. Your views will inherit whatever styles you have attached to your resource dictionaries.

Miscellaneous Features


alt text alt text

More screenshots are available in the repository.


Q. Can I use XAML to create popup views?
A. Of course!
Q. Can I add control XX in the popup?
A. I don't see why not. Let me know if you have any problems.