Langohr is a Clojure RabbitMQ client that embraces AMQP 0.9.1 Model.
We've learned a lot from years of experience with various RabbitMQ clients and tried to apply this experience to Langohr design.
Here is what Langohr does not try to be:
Langohr artifacts are released to Clojars. If you are using Maven, add the following repository
definition to your pom.xml
With Leiningen:
[com.novemberain/langohr "5.5.0"]
With deps.edn
com.novemberain/langohr {:mvn/version "5.5.0"}
With Maven:
If you are only starting out, please see our Getting Started guide.
For existing users, there is API reference.
Several code examples used in the guides are kept in a separate Git repository.
Our test suite also can be used for code examples.
Langohr requires Clojure 1.6+. The most recent stable release is highly recommended.
Langohr depends on RabbitMQ Java client 5.x and requires a supported RabbitMQ version.
Langohr has been around since 2011. The API is stable.
Langohr has a mailing list. Feel free to join it and ask any questions you may have.
To subscribe for announcements of releases, important changes and so on, please follow @ClojureWerkz on Twitter.
Langohr is part of the group of libraries known as ClojureWerkz, together with
Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Michael S. Klishin and the ClojureWerkz Team.
Double licensed under the Eclipse Public License (the same as Clojure) or the Apache Public License 2.0.