michaellaunay / alirpunkto

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The help text on e-mail addresses does not appear on the first registration page - but only later when no longer useful #106

Open SergioArbarviro opened 2 months ago

SergioArbarviro commented 2 months ago

Current situation

The e-mail address is the first element requested from the Applicant, in the very first page of the registration process. Currently, only a very short help text is provided for that field, and in English only (even if the display language of the browser is not English). This minimal help text is:

Your email address will be used of account verification and communication.

On the other hand, a help text is provided when the e-mail address is displayed again (but no longuer modifiable) in the page where the pseudonym + password + languages are requested. See below:

<div> <p>Please provide the e-mail address that the IT infrastructure of ${domain_name} will use to interact with you.</p> <p>We recommend that you choose an email address that you check often.</p> <p><strong>We need this information because</strong> we need to interact with you, to keep you informed of developments at the Cooperative, to offer you the chance to take action or contribute to decisions. Email is the most widely used medium in Europe, it is universal and is based on open and free standards, unlike the proprietary messaging systems of the digital giants (also known as 'GAFAM').</p> <p>This e-mail address will used exclusively to ensure the communication between the IT infrastructure of ${domain_name} and you. It will never be displayed to the other users of the IT platform of ${domain_name}, nor will it be transmitted or sold to anyone, except to fulfill legal requirements by public law enforcement authorities under the request of a judge. The "data controller" as defined by the <a href="https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02016R0679-20160504"> General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union</a> is the CosmoPolitical Cooperative SCE, a European Cooperative Society established 229 rue Solférino, 59000 Lille, France and registered on 25 April 2023 under the number SIREN 951 007 897.</p> </div>

Desired situation

The form requesting the e-mail address, on the very first registration page where the e-mail address is requested and can be modified, should contain this help text.

On the other hand, this help text is not needed in the page where the pseudonym etc. are requested, and should hence be suppressed from there.

SergioArbarviro commented 1 month ago

The source of the problem seems to lie in the code used to display the information on the e-mail address in alirpunkto/templates/register.pt, here

The variable should not be email_title_input (which does not exist in the .PO files), but email_description