michaellaunay / alirpunkto

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Alirpunkto (Access Point in Esperanto) is a web application for centralizing authentication and account creation with moderation. It is written in Python3, Pyramid, Chameleon, LDAP, Tal/Metal, and Bootstrap 5.


All the documentation is in the docs folder. We use Obsidian notes, so if you see [[A Name]] in our notes, it's a link to the markdown file named "A Name.md". For an enhanced experience, you can use Obsidian or Markdown Memo in Visual Studio Code. docs/fr contains the French documentation docs/en contains the English documentation


Clone this repository

cd YourWorkingFolder
git clone git@github.com:michaellaunay/alirpunkto.git
python3 -m venv alirpunkto
cd alirpunkto

Activate this virtual environment

source bin/activate


bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip list --outdated --format=columns | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 pip install -U

Install pyramid

pip install pyramid pyramid_chameleon python-dotenv ldap3 pyramid_beaker pyramid_mailer py3dns validate_email cryptography bcrypt python-keycloak pyjwt

We need ZODB to store vote and session informations.

Getting Started

cd alirpunkto
bin/pip install -e ".[testing]"
mkdir -p var/log var/datas var/filestorage var/sessions
cp .env.example .env

Generate a secret whith

python3 alirpunkto/generate_secret.py

And change the SECRET_KEY inside the .env file.

Here's the translated documentation in English for including in the README.md file of your AlirPunkto project, explaining how to add the alirpunkto/alirpunkto_schema.ldif schema to OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 22.04:

Add alirpkunto_schema.ldif as describe bellow


You should have no error !

Adding AlirPunkto Schema to OpenLDAP on Linux

This section guides you through the steps to integrate the custom alirpunkto_schema.ldif schema into an OpenLDAP server on Ubuntu 22.04.


Installation Steps

  1. Server Connection
    Log into your Ubuntu server where OpenLDAP is installed.

  2. Stopping LDAP Service
    Before making any configuration changes, stop the LDAP service to prevent data corruption.

    sudo systemctl stop slapd
  3. Locating the Schema File
    Ensure that the alirpunkto_schema.ldif file is present on the server. If not, transfer it to an appropriate directory (e.g., /tmp).

  4. Adding the Schema to LDAP Server
    Run the following command to add the schema to your LDAP directory:

    sudo apt install schema2ldif
    ldap-schema-manager -i /path/to/alirpunkto_schema.ldif
    ldap-schema-manager -m /path/to/alirpunkto_schema.ldif -n

    Replace /path/to/alirpunkto_schema.ldif with the actual path of the alirpunkto_schema.ldif file on your server.

  5. Restarting LDAP Service
    After successfully adding the schema, restart the LDAP service:

    sudo systemctl start slapd
  6. Verification
    Verify that the schema has been added correctly. You can do this by checking the OpenLDAP logs or using an LDAP tool to explore the schema configuration.


If you encounter any issues while adding the schema, check the OpenLDAP logs for detailed error information. The logs can often provide useful clues about what might have gone wrong.

Important Notes