michaellaunay / alirpunkto

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The link to reset one's password for a Greman-speaking user leads to "internal server error" #157

Open SergioArbarviro opened 1 month ago

SergioArbarviro commented 1 month ago

Current state

A Germain-speaking user has requested to receive an e-mail to update his password. The URL provided had been transformed by a professional e-mail protection service. Once transformed back an URL linking directly to the AlirPunkto site, the URL generated an internal server error.

The URL to which the link points to after transformation is: https://alirpunkto.cosmopolitical.coop/forgot_password?oid=Z0FBQUFBQm1yT0dBN2U4VXlyQXp6MV9iWTNMcHgyZ3ppZ2NINkk4Um1OZzFMZ0lFcnNteGVIZnJ1dWp6T1JfTnhtTTNlN1gxc1N2LW1qbkloTDdQZ1prN0hLbVByOXRHbTliVThqWEZiMDJSNWUxNTZFMWc3OGlXb1R3UHBjU1RKQ3c0Q0hCek5ueU4%3D

Desired state

The URL received to reset one's password should lead to the corresponding form, with no server error.