michaellaunay / alirpunkto

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Verifiers are chosen preferably among people using the same language(s) as the Applicant [long term] #29

Open SergioArbarviro opened 11 months ago

SergioArbarviro commented 11 months ago

Currently, the Verifiers are chosen randomly among all Cooperators. Verifiers need to interact with the Applicant to arrange a videoconferencing meeting, to request additional data per e-mail, etc. This can be difficult if Applicant and Verifiers do not share a common language of interaction.

It could be more convenient both for the Verifiers and for the Applicant if they shared a language of communication.

A means to achieve this would be that the Verifiers be selected randomly among the existing Cooperators whose preferred or second-best languages of interaction match with the preferred or second-best language of interaction of the Applicant.