Pokemon is a beloved franchise first created in February of 1996. It is a series of video games, cartoons, comic books, and even trading cardss that bring many adults a great feeling of nostalgia.
As Full Stack Web Development students at Atlas School, we were tasked with designing a Backend for an application with the theme "nostalgia", and nothing brought us more nostalgic feelings than something we played before we could even read.
All pokemon - the creatures that live in the world of Pokemon - have "types" that relate to their powers and abilities. These range anywhere from grass to fire to dragon, and it can be confusing to remember or understand how those types relate to eachother and interact.
Gotta Type 'em All! strives to be a partner to any Pokemon experience by helping the player understand type relationships and interactions. The player selects the type of pokemon they are encountering and our application displays what types interact with it at what strength.
Additionally, Gotta Type 'em All! offers a dynamic search feature where players can discover information about new pokemon they encounter as they adventure.
Our documentation was generated by the swagger-jsdoc
doc syntax and displayed with the swagger-ui-express
UI system. Follow the link bellow to explore our API Documentation.