michaelruocco / gradle-postman-runner

A gradle plugin to run Postman collections
MIT License
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A gradle plugin to run Postman collections.

The runner makes use of newman run by gradle-node-plugin.

By default, all postman collection files (ending with .postman_collection.json) in src/test are run.


plugins {
    id "com.github.michaelruocco.gradle-postman-runner"

If not already done, you may want to configure the gradle-node-plugin. At least download has to be enabled as of version 0.13. See gradle-node-plugin documentation for more options.

node {
   download = true

That's all needed to execute the postman task: ./gradlew postman

An optional configuration of postman itself is done with the postman extension:

// postmanrunner configuration
postman {
    // specifies collection file pattern
    // default: src/test/**/*.postman_collection.json
    collections = fileTree(dir: 'src/test', include: '**/*.myCollection*')

    // specifies the test environment to execute the collections with
    // default: no environment
    environment = file('src/test/some_environment.postman_environment.json')

    // specifies any environment variables to execute the collections with
    // will override any values from the environment file above
    // default: no environment variables
    envVars = [ "myVar" : "myVarValue" ]

    // specifies the a global variable file to execute the collections with
    // default: no globals
    globals = file('./postman_globals.json')

    // specifies any global variables to execute the collections with
    // will override any values from the globals file above
    // default: no global variables
    globalsVars = [ "myVar" : "myVarValue" ]

    // stops entire execution on first failing test in a collection
    // default: false
    stopOnError = true

    // reports to stdout
    // default: true
    cliReport = false

    // when windows gives you lemons on cli output...
    // default: false
    disableUnicode = false

    // enables/disables ssl verification checks and allows self-signed certificates
    // default: true
    secure = false

    // creates junit compatible XML result files in directory
    // default: off
    xmlReportDir = 'build/testoutput'

    // adds html output with default template to given path
    // default: off
    htmlReportDir = 'build/tesdtoutput/html'

    // define a handlebars template for html output
    // default: newman's default template https://github.com/postmanlabs/newman/blob/develop/lib/reporters/html/template-default.hbs
    htmlTemplate = 'custom-template.hbs'

    // adds plain json output with default template to given path
    // default: off
    jsonReportDir = 'build/tesdtoutput/json'

Besides a global configuration with the 'postman' extension as seen above, it's also possible to create a custom task and override all of the global configuration values (if any given):

task postmanOnDifferentEnvifonment(type: uk.co.mruoc.postman.task.PostmanTask) {
    environment = file('different_environment.postman_environment.json')
    stopOnError = false

Useful Commands

// cleans build directories
// prints currentVersion
// formats code
// builds code
// runs tests
// checks for gradle issues
// checks dependency versions
./gradlew clean currentVersion dependencyUpdates lintGradle spotlessApply build