michaelwright235 / wdb_extract

Extract WDB files of old LG phones firmware
MIT License
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WDB Extractor

After extracting a KDZ firmware file you'll find a WDB file – a cointainer of necessary files for flashing an old LG phone. This python script extracts those old WDB files. By old LG phones I mean models, such as KP500, GS290, KS360, etc (models from around 2008-2010).

Since a decryption key is based on the size of Inf_WebDnld.dll file that may vary from model to model, some of them may be yet unsupported. If you found one, please file an issue on GitHub.

Known supported models: KP500, GS290, KS360, GT350, KP275, GC900, P970, GD350, GD510, KM570, KM900, KS365.

usage: wdb.py [-h] [-o O] filename

Extract WDB files for old LG phones

positional arguments:
  filename    Path to the file

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -o O        Output directory. By default files are extracted in the same folder

Before running the script install dependencies via pip install -r requirements.txt command.

What is a WDB file?

A WDB file is a proprietary encrypted acrhive of files. The header, footer and inner files are encrypted with RC4 algorithm. The key is based on the size of Inf_WebDnld.dll (this dll is responsible of extracting WDBs) and a secret string found in it, then it's hashed with MD5 algorithm. The size parameter may vary, however the secret key remains the same (as far as I can tell). Every file is compressed with zlib and automatically gets decompressed (this is true for the original library behaviour too).