⚠️ Not currently being worked on.
Tiny desktop app that creates timelapse videos using your built in desktop/laptop camera.
Timelapse is built on top of Electron https://github.com/electron/electron to make use of the desktop environment.
This app requires Node https://nodejs.org. Download the latest version before getting started.
This should install everything you need (including a local version of Electron) to get started with the project. Note that it's only been tested on OSX High Sierra 10.13.6.
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
$ yarn dev --nocamera (turns camera off for testing)
$ npm run build compress folder and place inside /updater/releases/
The app creates an application folder located at (/Users/{your username}/Library/Application Support/Timelapse) to store all your user settings and such.
Photos and timelapse videos are stored in your local ~/Pictures directory inside a /Timelapse folder that's created when you launch the app.