michal-h21 / LuaXML

Fork of LuaXML (originally Paul Chakravarti)
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LuaXML is pure lua library for reading and serializing of the XML files. Current release is aimed mainly as support for the odsfile package. The documentation was created by automatic conversion of original documentation in the source code. In this version, some files not useful for luaTeX were droped.


LuaXML is installed in TeX distributions, so you don't need to install it yourself. If you want to try the development version, then clone this repository and run

make install

Please note that you will need LDoc and dkjson Lua modules installed on your system. You can install them using:

$ luarocks install --local ldoc
$ luarocks install --local dkjso


This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license (http://www.lua.org/copyright.html)


Michal Hoftich Email: michal.h21@gmail.com Version: {{VERSION}}, {{DATE}}

Original authors: Paul Chakravarti and Manoel Campos (http://manoelcampos.com)

If you are interested in the process of development you may observe
