michalspano / MiniCarSteer

Let ML steer a miniature car for you. :O
MIT License
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chalmers-revere cyber-physical-systems docker machine-learning ml
### Cyber-Physical Systems, System of Systems -- Group 9 [![Pipeline status][pipeline-status]][pipeline-status] [![Coverage report][coverage-badge]][coverage-url] [![Latest Release][release-badge]][release-url]

Table of Contents

This project develops a data-driven algorithm to determine the steering angle of a mini self-driving vehicle. The algorithm uses data from multiple sensors and outputs a ground steering request to determine the future course of the car. The project is designed to run in a Docker environment, making it compatible with devices like a Raspberry Pi.

Our approach uses a Random Forest Regressor learning model based on 13 features: Angular Velocity X-, Y- and Z-axis, Acceleration X-, Y- and Z-axis, Magnetic Field X-, Y- and Z-axis, Heading, Pedal, Voltage and Distance. The model was trained on 5 recording (i.e. .rec) files.



These instructions are tailored for Unix-based systems, potentially compatible with most Linux/OSX distributions. Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, the recommended environment for the project.

Initially, you have to pull the image:

# Or select any preferred version. Stable releases v1.0.0+.
docker pull registry.git.chalmers.se/courses/dit638/students/2024-group-09:v1.0.1

In these instructions, we refer to the image as read_car_data:latest (similarly in the scripts). You can "rename" the image to read_car_data:latest by using docker tag, namely:

docker tag registry.git.chalmers.se/courses/dit638/students/2024-group-09:v1.0.1 read_car_data:latest

Our program is combined with two other microservices, each responsible for a specific task. The microservices are:

Ensure that you have the required microservices installed and running. You can use the following shell scripts to start the microservices:

# 1.) Start OpenDLV-Vehicle-View
# or
docker run --rm -i --init --net=host --name=opendlv-vehicle-view \
           -v $PWD:/opt/vehicle-view/recordings \
           -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           -p 8081:8081 chrberger/opendlv-vehicle-view:v0.0.64

# 2.) Start OpenDLV-Video-H264-Decoder
# or
docker run --rm -ti --net=host --ipc=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
                    -v /tmp:/tmp h264decoder:v0.0.5 --cid=253 --name=img

Having installed the image, you can use a shell script to run it:

# Default command-line arguments

# The script contains:
docker run --rm -ti --net=host --ipc=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
           -u=$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) \
           -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
           -v /tmp:/tmp read_car_data:latest $@

If you prefer to build the image locally, you can use this script instead (this will target the host machine's architecture, which may be useful):

# or
docker build --rm -f Dockerfile -t read_car_data .

Afterwards, navigate to your browser and open localhost (or it's equivalent) with the port 8081 and select a .rec file to instantiate the vehicle view.

Obtain the .rec files

The .rec files are not provided in the repository to reduce its size. You can call the following script that will fetch all the files to your current directory (note: the script relies on the wget command-line utility):


# Use the `--all`, `-a` flag to receive .rec files with no GSR trace too
./scripts/fetch_rec.sh --all

Otherwise, you can download the files manually from here.

Please consult the Chalmers ReVeRe GitHub repositories for more information in terms of the microservices.

Usage, Supported Flags

Here's the list of the supported command-line arguments with a brief description (see Modes, Debugging, Testing for more information):

# See the usage, type `--help` or `-h`
usage: app.py [-h] [--cid CID] [--name NAME] [--model MODEL] [--graph] [--verbose] [--dev-mode]

Calculate the steering angle from rec files with ML, based on the Chalmers ReVeRe Project.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cid CID, -c CID     CID of the OD4Session to send and receive messages
  --name NAME, -n NAME  name of the shared memory area to attach
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        select a joblib based model to predict the steering angle; acquired from ./models/<NAME>
  --graph, -g           generate a graph
  --verbose, -v         enable debug window and additional metrics
  --dev-mode, -d-m      calculate and show accuracy on only turns

Local Development

You're similarly encouraged to locally engage with the system. You may start cloning repository:

git clone git@git.chalmers.se:courses/dit638/students/2024-group-09.git
# TODO: add GiHub mirror (after the project is over)

Getting Started

It is preferred to create a python-based virtual environment, hence:

# 1.) From the root
python3 -m venv venv

# 2.) Activate the venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

# 3.) Install the dependencies inside venv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# 4.) Naviagate to the source directory
cd src

# 5.) Run the program
# or python3 app.py

# 6.) See program's usage
./app.py --help

Supported Modes, Debugging, and Testing

There's some additional functionality that you can use: Plotting the predicted ground steering request and actual ground steering request:

# 1.) Run the application with `--graph` flag
./app.py --graph
# ./app.py -g
# This will create a log file with the parameters in the `tmp` directory

# 2.) Compute a performance metric
# Generates a static PNG file with the performance metric in the current
# directory.
# 1.) Debug window:
# Run the application with `--verbose` flag
./app.py --verbose
# ./app.py -v
# This will pop up a window that displays relevant parameters for debugging.

# 2.) Development mode for debugging and testing:
# Run the application with `--dev-mode` flag
./app.py --dev-mode
# ./app.py --d-m

# On videos where the ground steering request is provided, this mode will
# calculate the accuracy of the algorithm on only turns (excluding parts where
# the ground steering request should be 0). It will log the accuracy of the
# algorithm.

Additionally, more related to the development process, you can use the following:

# 1.) Run the tests
# Ensure that you're in the root of the project (with an activate `venv`) and type:

# 2.) Run the coverage report generation script
# Generate an HTML-based report (executed from the root)
# or
pytest --cov=src -cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report=html:coverage_report

# Open the coverage_report folder in the current path

See src/README.md for more information on the source code and the project structure.


Our team will use a Gitlab-based workflow (with git being a central part of the workflow). Each feature will be contained in a separate issue created in the project's repository hosted on Gitlab.

A member of the team (that the issue is assigned to) will be responsible for the issue. A new "feature"-branch will be created for each feature. Once the feature is completed, a merge request will be initialized and assigned a reviewer from the team. The reviewer is responsible for (i) providing meaningful feedback on the changes (ii) and ensuring that the changes are in line with the project requirements. Once a merge request is approved, the branch will be merged to the main branch. The main branch must, at all times, contain a "stable" version of the product.

When a stable version of the project is created, a tag in the form of vX.Y.Z will be created. The tag will be created by the team member responsible for the issue. The tag will be created after the merge request is approved and the branch is merged to the main branch. Note that X, Y, and Z are integers and represent the major, minor, and patch versions of the project, respectively.

In the case that the pipeline is failing, a merge to the main branch is not allowed. In case that an unexpected behavior occurs on main branch, team members create a new issue and resolve the problem.

Commit Policy

Each commit message shall include the number of the issue and how the commit is related to that issue. That is:

git commit -m "#<Issue number> <Commit message>" -m "<Commit description>"

Development team