michelderooij / Get-EventSession

Script to assist in downloading Microsoft event contents or return session information.
MIT License
69 stars 29 forks source link
ignite msbuild msignite msinspire


Getting Started

Script to assist in downloading Microsoft Ignite, Inspire, Build or MEC contents or return session information for easier digesting.

Video downloads will leverage a utility which can be downloaded from https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl.exe, and needs to reside in the same folder as the script. The script itself will try to download the utility when the utility is not present.

To prevent retrieving session information for every run, the script will cache session information.



Download all available contents of sessions containing the word 'Exchange' in the title to D:\Ignite:

.\Get-EventSession.ps1 -DownloadFolder D:\Ignite -Format 18 -Keyword 'Exchange'

Get information of all sessions, and output only location and time information for sessions (co-)presented by Tony Redmond:

.\Get-EventSession.ps1 -InfoOnly | Where {$_.Speakers -contains 'Tony Redmond'} | Select Title, location, startDateTime

Download all available contents of sessions BRK3248 and BRK3186 to D:\Ignite

.\Get-EventSession.ps1 -DownloadFolder D:\Ignite -ScheduleCode BRK3248,BRK3186



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md for details.