michele-colombo / ing-sw-2019-colombo-daglio-diceglie

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Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2019

Gruppo AM35

Functionality State
Basic rules RED
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Multiple games RED
Persistence GREEN
Domination or Towers modes RED
Terminator RED

How to build the jars

In order to build the jars just run the Maven command: mvn package You will find the two jars (client.jar and server.jar) in the folder target/shadeJars.


To run server, in terminal type:
java -jar server.jar

Server configuration


If server is runned without arguments, it will run using:
IP address open:
Port: 12345
Layout configuration for new games: random
Number of skulls for new games: 8
Time to wait before starting the game with less than 5 players: 10 seconds
Time to wait before disconnecting a player who is taking to long to decide his move: 90 seconds

Passing arguments

To change configuration to desired value, user must type: -field [argument]
IP address open: -ip [ip_address] (x.y.z.w)
Port: -port [port_number] (from 1024 to 65534)
Layout configuration for new games: -layout [layout_config] (from 0 to 3, -1 for random)
Number of skulls for new games: -skulls [skulls_number] (from 5 to 8)
Time to wait before starting the game with less than 5 players: -login [login_time] (in milliseconds)
Time to wait before disconnecting a player who is taking to long to decide his move: -input [input_time] (in milliseconds)

If user don't set configuration, default is loaded. He can set also only one configuration. If he tries sets invalid configuration a help message is printed.
To print help type -h


java -jar server.jar -ip -login 30000 -skulls 5 -layout 0 -port 1025 -input 50000


To run client, type in the terminal:
java -jar --module-path [javafx lib folder path] --add-modules javafx.controls client.jar
Please note that javafx is not provided along with the executable. First download it from here: https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/

Client configuration


If client is runned without arguments, it will run using:
IP address of server:
Port of the server: 12345
User Interface: gui

Passing arguments

To change configuration to desired value, user must type: -field [argument]
IP address of server: -ip [ip_address] (x.y.z.w)
Port of the server: -port [port_number] (from 1024 to 65534)
User Interface: -ui [user_interface_type] (gui or cli)

If user don't set configuration, default is loaded. He can set also only one configuration. If he sets invalid configuration it's re-asked in a command line dialog.
To print help type -h


java -jar --module-path ./javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls client.jar -ui cli -ip -port 65533

Layout guide

0: good for 4 or 5 players (12 squares)
1: big one in pages 2 and 3 of manual (11 squares, no top-right corner)
2: good for every number of players (11 squares, no bottom-left corner)
3: good for 3 or 4 players (10 squares)