michellengnx / healthcare-on-the-go

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Healthcare On the Go :ambulance:

How to Run :

  1. Clone the repo to your local device
  2. Retrieve an API key from the MapQuest API
  3. Run the main(String args[]) method in src/main/java/app/App.java, and ensure your run configuration is set such that the API_KEY environment variable corresponds your personally generated API key

Description of Project Domain

With insufficient accessibility and access to transportation services, hundreds of people, particularly seniors, are under threat of missing critical medical care. Subsequently, our project domain is a ride-hailing platform, where patients can request doctors to visit them at the comfort of their homes.

Software Specification

Healthcare On The Go addresses the challenge above by linking patients with essential medical services. Patients can request the necessary care needed on demand by creating a profile on the application, with the possibility to edit their details whenever requested by the user. Through the Healthcare On The Go dashboard, patients will be able to select their desired medical care, the urgency level of the request, and their location. The program will then display a visual representation of the distance between the patient and the doctor, the price of the service when ordering a ride, and the ETA of the doctor.

Built With :hammer:


Screenshot of calling the API with Hoppscotch


Output when running sample Java code

Response : Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=https://www.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=KEY&from=University%20of%20Toronto&to=York%20Univerisity}
Distance : 10.617559 miles, ETA : 6596 seconds

List of Technical Problems Blocking Progress

Authors :information_desk_person:

Group 163 - TUT0401

See the list of contributors who participated in this project.