mickablondo / PadelConnect

Application décentralisée de gestion de tournois de Padel
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hardhat nextjs rainbowkit react solidity viem wagmi


PadelConnect est une application décentralisée de gestion de tournois de Padel permettant de créer une communauté autour de ce sport en proposant notamment un réseau social décentralisé.



Stack technique

Solidity / Hardhat / React / Nextjs / Wagmi / Viem / Rainbow Kit / Chakra-ui / Ethers.js / chai.js


Rôle Description
Owner Le propriétaire est l'administrateur de l'application.
Manager Un manager est celui qui gère ses tournois.
Player Toute personne n'étant pas manager ni owner est un joueur.



Schéma des interactions

Le schéma ci-dessous montrent les interactions entre le frontend et le smart contract :

flowchart >
    A[ /home] -->|If owner| B[ /admin]
    A -->|If manager| C[ /tournament/add]
    A -->|Any user| D[ /tournament/id]
    A -->|If manager| H[ /messageboard]
    A -->|Any user| F[ /profile]
    D -->|Any user| G[ /ask/address]
    B -.->|add manager| I((Smart Contract))
    C -.->|add tournament| I
    D -.->|get info tournament| I
    D -.->|register in tournament| I
    D -.->|add winners| I
    D -.->|add comment| I
    D -.->|follow| I
    F -.->|get tournaments by player| I
    G -.->|add comment to manager| I
    G -.->|add response to player| I
    H -.->|find messages| I
    I -.->|event tournaments| A
    I -.->|event managers| B
    I -.->|event followed tournaments| F


Instructions d'installation


Se baser sur le fichier .env.example pour configurer la partie backend.

Pour ajouter les dépendances :

npm install

Pour déployer le smart contract en local :

npx hardhat node  
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

Pour déployer sur un testnet comme Sepolia :

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

Pour déployer sur un testnet comme Goerli :

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli


Se baser sur le fichier .env.example pour configurer la partie frontend.

Pour ajouter les dépendances :

npm install

Pour démarrer la partie frontend en local :

npx next dev

Jeux de données

3 scripts ont été créés dans scripts/datas permettant l'insertion de jeux de données :

Pour les exécuter :

npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_datas.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_messages_to_manager.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/add_newtournament.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/datas/register_player.js --network localhost

Tests unitaires

Exécuter un noeud Hardhat :

npx hardhat node

Puis il faut soit exécuter les tests seuls soit les tests avec la couverture :

npx hardhat test  
npx hardhat coverage

Résultat :

  Test PadelConnect
      ✔ should deploy the smart contract
    Adding managers
      ✔ should add a new manager
      ✔ should revert when caller is not the owner
      ✔ should revert when the manager address is the zero address
      ✔ should revert when the address was ever registered
    Adding tournaments
      ✔ should add a new tournament
      ✔ should emit an event when adding a new tournament
      ✔ should revert when caller is not a manager
      ✔ should revert when caller to get the tournaments is not a manager
      ✔ should revert when the city is empty
      ✔ should revert when the date is in the past
      ✔ should revert when the number of players is odd
      ✔ should return the informations of a tournament with a difficulty p500
      ✔ should return the difficulty p25
      ✔ should return the difficulty p100
      ✔ should return the difficulty p250
      ✔ should return the difficulty p1000
      ✔ should return the difficulty p2000
      ✔ should revert if the difficulty is unknown
    After registrering players
        ✔ should adding a follower to a tournament
        ✔ should emit an event when adding a follower to a tournament
        ✔ should deleting a follower to a tournament
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist
      Adding winners
        ✔ should add the winners
        ✔ should revert when caller is not the good manager
        ✔ should revert if the two winners are the same person
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist
        ✔ should revert if winner1 is the 0 address
        ✔ should revert if winner2 is the 0 address
        ✔ should revert if a winner has been not registered
        ✔ should add a new commment
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist
        ✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
        ✔ should revert if message is empty
      Messages from a player to a manager
        ✔ should add a new message to a manager
        ✔ should not modify the exchanges array when adding two new messages to a manager (3028ms)
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist
        ✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
        ✔ should revert if message is empty
      Response to the messages by the manager
        ✔ should add a new response
        ✔ should revert when caller is not a manager
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist
        ✔ should revert when player send many messages in a short time
        ✔ should revert if message is empty
        ✔ should revert when player address is the zero address
        ✔ should revert if id does not exist when getting messages
        ✔ should revert when player address is the zero address when getting messages
    Registering players
      ✔ should decrease the number of registrations allowed when adding a new player
      ✔ should add a new tournament for the player registered
      ✔ should revert if the id does not exist
      ✔ should revert when the player is already registered
      ✔ should revert when the tournament is complete
      ✔ should revert when tournament is already started

  53 passing (5s)

File                |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 contracts/         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  IPadelConnect.sol |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  PadelConnect.sol  |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
All files           |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |

En version web via le fichier ./coverage/contracts/index.html :


Ajout de la librairie i>@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers</i pour manipuler la date de la blockchain.

it('should revert when tournament is already started', async function() {
    await time.increaseTo(2087697299); // 27/02/2036
    await expectRevert(

Ajout de la librairie timers/promises pour forcer un temps d'attente entre 2 messages envoyés.

✔ should not modify the exchanges array when adding two new messages to a manager (3025ms)


Quelques écrans au 17/08/2023
