micro-ROS / micro-ROS_crazyflie_demo

Provides a demo of micro-ROS based on a Crazyflie.
Apache License 2.0
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In my case it is not working well #12

Closed beomsu7 closed 3 years ago

beomsu7 commented 3 years ago

Thesedays I'm trying to run the microros demo with crazyflie2.1 and ros2 dashing I built adn flashed the firmware in cf2.1 and up the docker compose with

$ cd /path/micro-ROS_crazyflie_demo
$ xhost +
$ docker-compose up -d

then in my case RVIZ was not running and just cfclinet poped up I could check the translater node and /drone/attitue and /drond/odometry topics but these topics couldn't get any data

So I ran the parts saperately

(1) run cfclient
  $ cfclient # or python3 -m cfclient.gui 
(2) check the pseudoterminal number
(3) run the uros agent
  $ ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --dev /dev/pts/checked_number -v6
(4) connect the cf2.1 and cfclient

then sometimes I could see something in the agent terminal like these Screenshot from 2021-01-04 09-56-42

Screenshot from 2021-01-04 09-57-13

if my understand is right then cf2.1 get the roll, pitch, yaw or x, y, z like these data to micro ros agent and micro ros agent terminal would show these data but the only data I could see was very statictic I mean while moving my drone, the data was not changing

The conclusion is I think 'it is not working correctly'

The only one doubtful point is When I build uROS firmware of cf2.1, it works but in the middle of the process Screenshot from 2021-01-04 10-11-44

the summary is like this, is this can be the reasone that the cf2.1 can't send the right data? when I run in foxy then the summary is like this Screenshot from 2021-01-04 10-14-45

Is there anybody who ran the crazyflie2.1 micro ros demo recently or get the similar porblems or who can help me

beomsu7 commented 3 years ago

umm... now it works well but I don't know why