microbiomedata / metadata-template-transformation

ETL between NMDC submission portal study records and user facility templates
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Metadata Template Transformation


The programs bundled in this repository intend to solve the problem of automatically retrieving metadata records for a given study submitted to NMDC through the NMDC Submission Portal, and converting the metadata into Excel spreadsheets that are accepted by DOE user facilities.

There are two components to keep in mind when trying to use this application.

  1. JSON header configuration file

    • The headers that go into the user facility spreadsheet outputs is controlled by JSON files.
    • The keys at the top level are used to indicate the main headers in the output. These values have mappings in the mapping configuration files described in the next point.
    • You can use numbered keys to add more header information to clarify what a particular column contains.
    • The header keyword is reserved in case you want to use some other column names as the main header.
    • The sub_port_mapping keyword can be used to specify mappings between columns in the Submission Portal template and columns in the user facility spreadsheet outputs.
    • Follow the examples that have already been specified in input-files. There are two user facility header customizations that have already been created as examples for the NMDC. They are:
    • EMSL header configuration: emsl_header.json
    • JGI MG and MT header configuration
  2. etl.py The command line application that can facilitate the conversion of metadata from the Submission Portal into user facility formats by consuming the above two files as inputs.

Software Requirements

  1. poetry
  2. Python 3.9


  1. Install dependencies with poetry
poetry install
  1. Run etl.py with options as follows:
➜  metadata-template-transformation git:(main) ✗ poetry run python etl.py --help                                          
Usage: etl.py [OPTIONS]

  -o, --output TEXT           Path to result output XLSX file.  [required]
  -m, --mapper PATH           Path to user facility specific JSON file.
  -h, --header / --no-header  [default: no-header]
  -u, --user-facility TEXT    User facility to send data to.  [required]
  -s, --submission TEXT       Metadata submission id.  [required]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.