microbit-foundation / micropython-microbit-stubs

Type stubs for MicroPython for micro:bit to support the micro:bit Python Editor V3
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Two full stops on "Read bytes from a device.." #89

Closed martinwork closed 8 months ago

martinwork commented 1 year ago

Reported in https://crowdin.com/translate/microbitorg/6422/en-hu?filter=basic&value=0#330164

I think the string is defined in https://github.com/microbit-foundation/micropython-microbit-stubs/blob/901a1ff782694b942611d85f61f61d9139b866ce/lang/en/typeshed/stdlib/microbit/i2c.pyi#L36

It is used in https://python.microbit.org/v/3/api under microbit.i2c as the summary text for read().

I don't see why it would need 2 periods. All of the translations in stubs seem to have retained them.