microbit-foundation / micropython-microbit-stubs

Type stubs for MicroPython for micro:bit to support the micro:bit Python Editor V3
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micropython python

micro:bit MicroPython stubs for editor support

This project contains Python stub files for MicroPython for micro:bit V2.

The easiest way to try these type stubs is to use the online micro:bit Python Editor which uses them for its code intelligence features and the API documentation.


These stubs are MIT or Apache 2.0 licensed depending on their origin (typeshed or MicroPython). See LICENSE.md for details.


We maintain translations of these files in the micro:bit Crowdin project in this file. Only changes to the English source should be made in this repository.

The source content is in English in lang/en.

The translated versions are periodically updated in this repository via a script.

We translate:


browser-package.py packages the typeshed and a Pyright config file in a JSON format that can be consumed by the Python Editor V3 project. A file is created per language.


The stubs are tested against the code in the examples/ folder using Pyright. To run the tests locally run npm install to install Pyright and then npm test.

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