microservices-patterns / ftgo-application

Example code for the book Microservice patterns
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no instance initialze the class io.eventuate.sync.EventuateAggregateStore #122

Open illman2016 opened 3 years ago

illman2016 commented 3 years ago

There is no spring initialze bean the class of EventuateAggregateStore in mudual project path : 👎 ftgo-accounting-service/src/main/java/net/chrisrichardson/ftgo/accountingservice/domain/AccountServiceConfiguration.java , how does it works for the code below ? :
@Bean public AggregateRepository<Account, AccountCommand> accountRepositorySync(EventuateAggregateStore aggregateStore) { return new AggregateRepository<>(Account.class, aggregateStore); }

I can't find any spring autoConfiguration Injection bean or config class to initialze the implement of EventuateAggregateStore, beacouse it important for class AggregateRepository instance, it depence on the new EventuateAggregateStore instance Christ, can you answer my confuse ?