microservices-patterns / ftgo-application

Example code for the book Microservice patterns
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= FTGO example application

This is the example code for my book https://microservices.io/book[Microservice patterns].


== Please note

== Got questions?

Please create a https://github.com/microservices-patterns/ftgo-application/issues[github issue] and I'll do my best to help you.

== Application architecture

Not surprisingly, this application has a microservice architecture. There are the following services:

== Service design

Key points:

== Chapter by chapter

This section maps the chapters to the code.

=== Chapter 3 Inter-process communication in a microservice architecture

=== Chapter 4 Managing transactions with sagas

The link:./ftgo-order-service[ftgo-order-service] uses sagas to maintain data consistency:

The services that participate in these sagas define the following command handlers:

=== Chapter 5 Designing business logic in a microservice architecture

All the services' business logic is implemented using Domain-Driven design aggregates.

=== Chapter 6 Developing business logic with event sourcing

=== Chapter 7 Implementing queries in a microservice architecture

=== Chapter 8 External API patterns

== Building and running the application

=== Pre-requisites

=== Building

Temporary: Build the Spring Cloud Contracts using this command:

./gradlew buildContracts

Build the services using this command:

./gradlew assemble

=== Running the application

Run the application using this command:

./gradlew :composeUp

Note: the ':'

This can take a while.

=== Using the application

Use the services Swagger UIs to invoke the services.

You can also access the application via the API Gateway at http://localhost:8087. However, currently it doesn't have a Swagger UI so you will have to use curl, for example.

Note: if the containers aren't accessible via localhost - e.g. you are using Docker Toolbox, you will have to use ${DOCKER_HOST_IP} as described below.

=== Stopping the application

Stop the application using this command:

./gradlew :composeDown

== Deploying the application on Kubernetes

You can find Kubernetes YAML files in the following directories: deployment/kubernetes and */src/deployment/kubernetes. There are also some helpful shell scripts.

=== Deploying services

You can run this command


=== Undeploying the services

You can run the script to undeploy the services:


If you want to delete the persistent volumes for Apache Kafka, Zookeeper and MySQL please run the command:


== Setting environment variables to do development

You should not need to set any environment variables. To run the application, you certainly do not. Similarly, to do development (e.g. run tests), you typically do not need to set any environment variables. That's because Docker containers are generally accessible (e.g. Docker for Windows/Mac) on the host via localhost. However, if Docker is running elsewhere (e.g. you are using Docker Toolbox) you will need to set DOCKER_HOST_IP.

=== Quick way

A quick way to set the environment variables is to run the script ./set-env.sh.

=== Long way

The value of DOCKER_HOST_IP must be meaningful to both Java services/tests running on your desktop/laptop and to Docker containers. Please do NOT set it to the unresolvable hostname of your machine, localhost or since the Docker containers will probably not work correctly.

=== Verifying that DOCKER_HOST_IP is set correctly

You can verify that DOCKER_HOST_IP is set correctly by running this command:

docker run -p 8889:8888 -e DOCKER_DIAGNOSTICS_PORT=8889 -e DOCKER_HOST_IP \ --rm eventuateio/eventuateio-docker-networking-diagnostics:0.2.0.RELEASE

=== Setting the environment variable in your IDE

If you want to run Java services/tests within your IDE on your desktop/laptop AND the Docker containers are not accessible via localhost THEN you will need to set DOCKER_HOST_IP within your IDE. How to do this depends on your operating system and IDE. For example, I find it convenient to launch my IDE from the command line and after setting this environment variable.