microservices-patterns / ftgo-application

Example code for the book Microservice patterns
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ftgo-application development locally on Windows system #145

Open zhangjiashen opened 2 years ago

zhangjiashen commented 2 years ago

I am recently learning Microservices Patterns book and I also want to dive deep into its code.

I installed docker, mysql on my machine, it would for me if I run gradlew :composeUp and it will run into the docker, however, it wouldn't work if I run the services from Intellij IDE. Could someone help me how to start running/delopying each service on the development machine or IDE? any tools are needed to install before running them? Could someone share some instructions?

isfong commented 2 years ago

Hi! You can try the docker-compose-rule, Although I only use it for testing, it automatically starts the container when the IDE runs the code.