microservices-patterns / ftgo-application

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"eventuate.message" table how to auto create? #180

Closed wukongshuo closed 7 months ago

wukongshuo commented 7 months ago

When I try to create a simple customer service and create a post request customer interface, I encounter an error, but I don't know which configuration determines this. Which configuration enables the automatic creation of the corresponding table? ”org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [insert into eventuate.message(id, destination, headers, payload, creation_time, published) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ROUND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURTIME(4)) * 1000), ?)]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'eventuate.message' doesn't exist“

cer commented 7 months ago

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