microservices-patterns / ftgo-application

Example code for the book Microservice patterns
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Every time I do :composeUp and :composeDown will the data be persistent? #93

Closed prakashid2 closed 4 years ago

prakashid2 commented 4 years ago

One q. Every time I do :composeUp and :composeDown will the data be persistent? I had created consumer, restaurant and order earlier. That data I don't see anymore now. Does this(:composeUp) drop and recreate db?

The branch - wip-use-gradle-docker-compose

Thanks Prakash S.

dartartem commented 4 years ago

Everything is removed.

Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up


cer commented 4 years ago

Containers can be configured to persist data on the host. However, you will need to read the docs to figure out how to do that.