microsimulation / ijm-infra

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IJM deployment - Development environment


Please check next items before starting deployment:

  1. You have correct credentials set up
  2. You have installed Terraform v0.12
  3. You have a registered domain, hosted zone and alias
    • This is not mandatory. please skip step 12 from deployment procedure in case you don`t have them
  4. You have access to code or docker images
  5. You have VPC and subnets set up on your AWS account
    • Please note Terraform loads information about subnets based on it`s name.
  6. You have AWS EC2 Key pair
  7. Please note that default Availability zone was set to us-east-1
    • Don`t forget to update it and AMI ID
  8. Please do check and update variables in variables.tf and modeles/ijm/variables.tf
    • Please don`t forget to update allowed_input_cidr as this controls application access by IP addresses

Deployment steps

  1. From root module - run terraform init
  2. From root module - run terraform plan -target=module.ijm_sg
  3. From root module - run terraform apply -target=module.ijm_sg
  4. From root module - run terraform plan -target=module.ijm
  5. From root module - run terraform apply -target=module.ijm
  6. From root module - run terraform plan -target=module.ijm_elb
  7. From root module - run terraform apply -target=module.ijm_elb
  8. Connect to the EC2 instanse from step 3 with SSH key
  9. Get code with git/zip or pull images from docker registry
  10. Run docker-compose up -d
  11. Run docker ps in order to check containers are up
  12. From AWS Console - Go to Route 53 -> Hosted Zones and assign A-type record with ELB form step 5


  1. Check application access in your web browser:
    • If you skipped step 12, please use the ALB DNS record
    • If you executed step 12, please use created A record and port 80


You can find full project documentation here