microsoft / AI-Chat-App-Hack

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Project: AI Sir, your AI-powered study companion! #108

Open zedhaque opened 4 months ago

zedhaque commented 4 months ago

Project name

AI Sir


AI Sir is an AI-powered study companion designed specifically for Bangladeshi secondary school students. It caters to students from Grade 6 to Grade 10, allowing them to interact with their textbooks in a revolutionary way. Currently, a select number of textbooks have been digitized, with ongoing efforts to include all textbooks across all grades.

From a hackathon perspective, the following aspects are noteworthy:

  1. Each textbook is available in both English and Bangla. A single Azure AI Search service has been implemented to process content in both languages seamlessly.

  2. The frontend code has been extensively revised to enhance responsiveness, acknowledging that the primary user base predominantly accesses the platform via mobile devices. Additional UI/UX modifications have been implemented to accommodate language switching and to facilitate the selection of subjects and classes.

  3. The codebase is designed to support prompts in multiple languages, adapting to the user's language preferences set through the UI.


English, Bangla

Project Repository URL

Shared via Email

Deployed Endpoint URL

Project video

Team members


Showcase Consent


pamelafox commented 4 months ago

Did you email the code to someone, per your comment in the submission? We haven't found it yet in our inboxes.

zedhaque commented 4 months ago

I haven't yet. Sorry, I wasn't sure of the email address. I will email it your MSFT address shortly.