microsoft / AI-Chat-App-Hack

HackTogether: The Microsoft Python Chatbot Hack | Register, Hack, Win
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Hack Together: The AI Chat App Hack

# Hack Together: The AI Chat App Hack


🛠️ Build, innovate, and #HackTogether!🛠️ It's time to get started building your first AI Chat App, using the power of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation). 🤖 + 📚 = 🔥

GPT models are powerful language generators, but they don't know everything about the world. RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) combines the power of GPT with the knowledge of a search engine. This allows you to ask questions of your own data, and get answers that are relevant to the context of your question. We'll show you how to build a RAG Chat App using Azure OpenAI, Azure AI Search, and Python, and extend it for your own data sources.

Hack Together is your playground for coding and experimenting with RAG Chat Apps. With mentorship from Microsoft experts and access to the latest tech, you will learn how to build apps using the most exciting technology - LLMs and vector search databases! The possibilities are endless for what you can create... plus you can submit your hack for a chance to win exciting prizes! 🥳

The hackathon starts on January 29th and ends on February 12th. It is recommended for participants to follow the Hack Together Roadmap for a successful hackathon.

Hack Together Roadmap 🗺️

AI Chat App Hack Roadmap (2)

Follow the steps below to successfully complete the hackathon.

00 - Pre-requisites

Register to Hack Together: Register Here

Introduce yourself, we'd like to get to know you! 🥳 GitHub Discussions | Let's get to know each other 🎉

Apply for Azure OpenAI access: Request access with this form. If your access request isn't approved, you can instead use OpenAI public API or a local LLM.

01 - Start hacking on January 29th

Either team up (max 3 team members) or fly solo to join the hacking! Make sure to register for Hack Together before starting to build your project.

02 - Join the English language live sessions for learning, inspiration, and lots of fun!

Calendar Invite

Here is a playlist of all the completed sessions: YouTube Playlist

03 - Also, don’t miss out on our amazing regional live sessions!

Hack Together - The AI Chat App Hack en Español:

Hack Together - The AI Chat App Hack em Português:

Hack Together - 人工智能聊天应用程序黑客 (Chinese):

04 - Submit your project anytime before February 12th 23:59 PM PST

You may submit your project here when it's ready: 🚀 Project Submission

Check out this video for step by step project submission guidance: Project Submission Video

Code samples to get you started ✨

Most of our live streams will showcase this app solution, which uses a Python backend and React frontend:

However, you are free to use any language or framework you like, as long as you make an AI RAG Chat App using at least one Azure service.

To find more samples, check out the following resources:

Recommended learning materials 📚


Judging and Prizes 🏆

Projects will be evaluated by a panel of judges, including Microsoft engineers, product managers, and developer advocates. Judging criteria will include innovation, impact, technical usability, and alignment with corresponding hackathon category.

Each winning team in the categories below will receive a cash price of $500. 💸

🏅 All hackathon participants who submit an app will receive a digital badge.