microsoft / Armada

Armada is a tool for writing, and proving correct, high-performance concurrent programs.
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Safely writing high-performance concurrent programs is notoriously difficult. To aid developers, we introduce Armada, a language and tool designed to formally verify such programs with relatively little effort. Via a C-like language that compiles to the C subset ClightTSO and a small-step, state-machine-based semantics, Armada gives developers the flexibility to choose arbitrary memory layout and synchronization primitives so they are never constrained in their pursuit of performance. To reduce developer effort, Armada leverages SMT-powered automation and a library of powerful reasoning techniques, including rely-guarantee, TSO elimination, reduction, and alias analysis. All these techniques are proven sound, and Armada can be soundly extended with additional strategies over time. Using Armada, we verify four concurrent case studies and show that we can achieve performance equivalent to that of unverified code.

You can read more about Armada in our PLDI '20 paper, which ACM will publish on June 17, 2020:

Jacob R. Lorch, Yixuan Chen, Manos Kapritsos, Bryan Parno, Shaz Qadeer, Upamanyu Sharma, James R. Wilcox, and Xueyuan Zhao. 2020. Armada: Low-Effort Verification of High-Performance Concurrent Programs. In Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '20), June 15-20, 2020, London, UK. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages.

Getting started

To build Armada, please follow the detailed instructions documented in

To use Armada, you'll need the following tools:

Generating and testing proofs

To use the Armada tool to generate proofs for all the included test Armada files (Test/*/*.arm), run, from the Armada top-level directory, scons -j <n> -f SConstruct1 where <n> is the number of threads you want scons to use.

To verify all the generated proofs, run, from the same directory, scons -j <n> -f SConstruct2 --DAFNYPATH=<dafny-path> where <dafny-path> is the directory containing the Dafny.exe/Dafny.dll binary you installed.

If this second scons finishes without printing an error message, this means that everything worked. If it reports an error, this is likely due to running on a machine without enough memory, so try again with fewer threads.

Compilation, performance evaluation, and graph generation

To build the queue benchmarks, run them, and generate the performance graphs, run python3 in the Test/qbss_benchmark/ directory. This will produce a file qbss_performance_graph.pdf with the performance graph.


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