microsoft / Azure-DCAP-Client

Interfaces between SGX SDKs and the Azure Attestation SGX Certification Cache.
MIT License
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Azure Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Client

This library serves as a quoting data provider plugin for the Intel SGX Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP). Specifically, the Intel DCAP library will search out and load provider plugins, such as the Azure DCAP Client. This provider plugin is then used to fetch certain data files, such as platform certificates, TCB structures, and revocation lists.

The Azure DCAP Client fetches artifacts from an Azure-internal caching service. The purpose of this cache is to ensure that all Azure hosts always have the correct data available and local within the Azure cloud.

The data serviced by the Azure cache are all Intel-originating, and are rooted to Intel CAs. The cache serves simply to ensure that there are no external dependencies on Intel for workloads running on Azure infrastructure.



See src/Linux/README.MD.


See src/Windows/README.MD.


The library builds the full URL of the artifacts served by the Azure-internal caching service from the parameters passed to the sgx_ql_get_revocation_info_t and sgx_get_qe_identity_info_t API calls.

For the certificate chain associated with an Intel SGX quote, each CRL Distribution Point is wrapped into an Azure-specific URL before being fetched by the Azure-DCAP-Client library. For example, the well-known Intel SGX Root CA CRL endpoint ( is served by the Azure-internal caching service at: (where API_VERSION specifies the current API version).


The Azure-DCAP-Client library uses the following environment variables if set:

See Also

  1. Open Enclave, a cross-platform library for authoring enclaves.


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