microsoft / KeyVaultScannerUtility

This Utility can search any specified Key/Secret in all KeyVault present in your subscription. The search result than can be exported to an excel file and you can also update the secret directly from the utility UI.
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link
azure azure-keyvault keyvault search secret-rotation secrets-management


This Utility can search any specified Key/Secret in all KeyVault present in your subscription. The search result than can be exported to an excel file and you can also update the secret directly from the Utility UI.



- If Az Module is not already Installed, Install by running below command on Powershell core

PM> Install-Module -Name Az -Force

- If Az.Keyvault Module is not already Installed, Install by running below command on Powershell core

PM> Install-Module -Name Az.keyvault -Force -AllowClobber

- You should have access to the secrets in KeyVault

   [Assign Access Policy Portal](

## Steps

- Click on Run.vbs to launch the application

- Login to Azure from the screen.

- Once logged in enter Subscription ID, Secret/Key, Value to be searched & Keyvault Name and click **Search**

- Utility will start searching secret/key in the KeyVault and Result be displayed in the Result Box as shown

- Result can be Exported to CSV file and file will be saved on Desktop with the name **scanresult.csv**

- You can select what all keys in the result that needs to be updated with new value and pass the value to the textbox and click update
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