microsoft / OMS-docker

Docker image for OMS (Operations Management Suite) Linux agent.
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Trying the container solution for Microsoft Operations Management Suite

The Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is a software-as-a-service offering from Microsoft that allows Enterprise IT to manage any hybrid cloud. It offers log analytics, automation, backup and recovery, and security and compliance. Sign up for a free account at or read more about here:

This container solution will generate a container which will runs OMS agent within. This is for Linux OS which has restriction in installing the Operations Management Suite Agent directly. However, it can also be used with other support Linux OS as well.

Supported Linux Operating Systems, Docker, and ACS Mesosphere DC/OS:

Support for Windows Operation Systems

This site is only for Linux.

For any information about Windows Operating System, please go here.

Release Note

Update Information are here.

Setting up

As a pre-requisite, docker must be running prior to this installation. If you have installed before running docker, please re-install OMS Agent. For more information about docker, please go to

This set up is not for ACS Mesosphere DC/OS or ACS Kubernetes.

To use OMS for all containers on a container host

To use OMS for all containers on a container host for FairFax OMS Workspace

If you are switching from the installed agent to the container

If you previously used the directly installed agent and want to switch to using the container, you must remove the omsagent. See Steps to install the OMS Agent for Linux

If you have an older version of Docker and would want to still use OMS Container Solution to monitor your data go here.


You can upgrade to a newer version of the agent. See here.

What now?

Once you're set up, we'd like you to try the following scenarios and play around with the system.

More Container Management Scenarios

Let us know!!!

What works? What is missing? What else do you need for this to be useful for you? Let us know at

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct] ( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ] ( or contact with any additional questions or comments.