microsoft / RoomAliveToolkit

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Open thundercarrot opened 8 years ago

thundercarrot commented 8 years ago

Are you in a PhD program and want to research interactive projection mapping applications with the RoomAlive Toolkit? We have a conference room that we recently outfitted with 5 projectors and 8 cameras, and we have a few ideas of what to do with this amazing space. Drop me a note if you would be interested in spending the summer at Microsoft Research playing with us!


benlower commented 8 years ago

I've worked with Andy and other folks on his team in the past. They are awesome people and work on very cool projects. If this is in your wheelhouse or area of serious interest you should talk to Andy!

eddymankim commented 8 years ago

How long will the internship be? I'd be very interested for myself and my students. I am professor and PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture, with a focus in computational design. Here's my cv for your reference. Best, Eddy.

cbuyukberber commented 8 years ago

Hello, is this application open to Master's students? I've been working on large scale projection mapping projects in the last 5 years and my studies are also related to the topic. Here's is my online portfolio:

Thanks! Can

eye-motion-global-gaming commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am Vardan Meliksetyan from Armenia Ceo and Game / Kinect developer ( I was one of 350 developers that got Microsoft Kinect V2 Development Kit. We also huge experience with Microsoft Kinect and other devices too( Microsoft Band, Brain Computer, Eye Tracking devices, Oculus Rift V1 Dev Kit, Extreme Reality mobile/PC sdk body recognition ). Here our projects links.

  1. Imagine Cup 2014
  2. Avatar Car Driving with Kinect V2
  3. Bowling with Kinect
  4. Human Monitoring with Microsoft Kinect, MIcrosoft Band V1, Eye Tracking device and Brain Computer. It was PhD project, but non mine( I develop this project).
  5. San Pablo we use here Kinect V2, Canon Printer, Server side MySQL database and emailing system.
  6. This was New York 2014 Kinect online Hackethon project

Can we get more information ? Please give me more information

Thank you, Best Regards, Vardan Melisketyan.

devhci commented 8 years ago

Hi Andy,

I have mailed my resume for this on I can not put the demo of my work on public platform because of my LAB's policies/restriction.

Regards Devender Kumar

wolkeger commented 8 years ago
  1. Where is the internship? 1.1 Location of the office (town, street)
  2. Is there a schedule for the internship? a. Important dates: start of the internship, length b. Is it full-time or part-time? c. What are the milestones within the project and which steps have to accomplished by the trainee? d. Are there any criteria for meetings of the internship supervisor and the trainee?
  3. Is the internship paid by a salary? a. If no salary is provided: are there any special conditions i.e. for food @ the canteen
  4. Is it planned that the trainee will be engaged in different teams? (i..e positions, names) a. What is problem to be solved by the teams and the trainee? b. Is the trainee responsible to help 3rd parties like clients, customers, project partners? c. Is it allowed to co-operate with extern co-workers (i.e. a partner within research in Oslo?
  5. What is the area of focus? i.e. - research focus (i.e. evaluation studies)
  6. design evaluation with special focus on perception and action within Spatial AR
  7. Investigation of Room Alive and its capabilities to create Spatial AR information management systems
  8. visual / multimodal and body aesthetics may be interesting in order to adequately distribute information i.e. visualisation of sensor data from IOT devices within the environment. Seamless integration and combination of different systems into Room Alive in order to respect user preferences and action goals within multi user settings (Room Alive + Oculus DK1 / Dk2 + Playstation + Xbox + Mobile Android + Tapletops + Leap motion + Self-made custom devices.
  9. Are there special requirements that have to fulfilled by the trainee? a. Bachelor, Master Degree, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor? b. Which skills shall the trainee have? i.e. - skills in communication, computing, and organizational skills
  10. skills in different disciplines (i.e. psychology of Natural User Interface Design, Game Design, Ergonomics)