microsoft / RoomAliveToolkit

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RoomAlive Toolkit README

The RoomAlive Toolkit enables creation of dynamic projection mapping experiences. This toolkit has been in internal use at Microsoft Research for several years and has been used in a variety of interactive projection mapping projects such as RoomAlive, IllumiRoom, ManoAMano, Beamatron and Room2Room.

The toolkit consists of two separate projects:

Here is an example scene from our RoomAlive project to illustrate what is possible (this one uses 6 projectors and 6 Kinect cameras):

RoomAlive Scene

Development Status

This project is under development. The current release is in beta and all APIs are subject to change. The next major features might include compute shaders for handling all depth meshes as a single unified vertex buffer, radiometric compensation across dynamic scnenes, support for Unity and Unreal Engines. We welcome contributions!


The RoomAlive Project was started in the summer of 2013 with a group of superstar interns. If you are looking for a reference to that original work, please cite:

 author = {Jones, Brett and Sodhi, Rajinder and Murdock, Michael and Mehra, Ravish and Benko, Hrvoje and Wilson, Andrew and Ofek, Eyal and MacIntyre, Blair and Raghuvanshi, Nikunj and Shapira, Lior},
 title = {RoomAlive: Magical Experiences Enabled by Scalable, Adaptive Projector-camera Units},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
 series = {UIST '14},
 year = {2014},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-3069-5},
 location = {Honolulu, Hawaii, USA},
 pages = {637--644},
 numpages = {8},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/2642918.2647383},
 acmid = {2647383},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {projection mapping, projector-camera system, spatial augmented reality},


We welcome contributions to help advance projection mapping research frontier!


This project is licensed under MIT license.